2018-05-07 - San Jose
Tour: Experience and Innocence tour
Liedjes gespeeld: 28
Audio opnames: 4
Video's: 1
  1. Idk, if i do, then only till Acrobat, or if that doesn't get killed off
  2. I want to stay up, but I have testing tomorrow so I think I'm going to go to bed
  3. Shocking!
    Although it was one of the highlights at Miami. Closing with it was awesome
  4. i expect the innocence part back
  5. Yeah, ommiting that part from the last show seems to be what threw them off of their bases
  6. i honestly felt that they had no reason to remove SFS and RBW other than the section being too long, but the transitions clearly didnt work at all
  7. These shows are on my timezone.... I'm pretty excited as I'm going to Vegas on Friday.... and maybe if I could swing it... LA next week!!
  8. I'm up, so I might as well try and tune in.
  9. Talk about running to extremes in the board right now.... a couple posting they have exams tomorrow.... I'm a professor preparing a final to give tomorrow!
  10. Originally posted by aserapig:Talk about running to extremes in the board right now.... a couple posting they have exams tomorrow.... I'm a professor preparing a final to give tomorrow!
    You could always listen to the show instead. I'm sure your students wouldn't mind too much.

    .... Or you could give pass/fail based on whether U2 play Wild Horses tonight
  11. good night amigos