1984-08-31 - Wellington, New Zealand - Show Building


Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

utwory per album

  1. War (6)
  2. Boy (6)
  3. October (4)
  4. The Unforgettable Fire (1)
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Żaden z użytkowników U2start nie był na tym koncercie.

recenzja DanielLikeAlbum

2 lata temu


For the 2nd show of the tour, despite there being some instances of the band being unrefined when compared to later shows on the tour and, a couple of rough moments from Bono here and there, this performance was solid and nothing else, most songs were alright renditions with there definitely being better versions from other tours or from later on in the tour although, it was interesting to see the War tour style setlist here with the only new song being Pride which, was the 2nd live version.


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Nagranie: "Wellington Fire (UAG)" - 3.5 gwiazdki


Great audience here.


Personally, I'd say this show was solid, despite having a couple of rough moments throughout and because of this, I don't think I'll ever really come back to this one, the main reason being there are easily better shows from this tour from what I've heard that I'd return to more, mainly due to much better performances but, despite this, I did still enjoy some parts of this show, mainly some aspects being snippets and the setlist which caught my attention.

A Day Without Me
Two Hearts Beat As One
The Electric Co.
Party Girl
11 O'Clock Tick Tock

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KieranU2 Czytaj dalej
patou2 Czytaj dalej
cesar_garza01 Czytaj dalej
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DanielLikeAlbum Czytaj dalej

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"Wellington Fire (UAG)"

  • Pochodzenie: Audience microphone
  • Ocena na bazie wszystkich opinii:
  • Pobrania: 880

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Bit rate: 192, bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, kanały: 2
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  1. Unforgettable Fire Tour-1984-08-31
  2. Unforgettable Fire Tour-1984-08-31
  3. Unforgettable Fire Tour-1984-08-31
  4. Unforgettable Fire Tour-1984-08-31