2019-12-01 - Singapore
Trasa: Joshua Tree Tour 2019
Wykonane utwory: 26
Nagrania audio: 1
Filmy: 1
  1. Yeah got the email too
  2. I was wonderful while it lasted. And it actually made me decide to go, I was still in doubt 😁

    I called them again for a final check: after the cancellation email with the titel U2 2019 - Singapore, I received a mail with a confirmation of my order. This mail is very confusing, because it congratulates you on your order. But if you look closely, the number of tickets will be negative, as well as the amount of money due (both have a - sign in front of them).

    So it's actually the conformation of the cancellation/refund.
  3. So 3am UK time for the real pre-sale ? Amy other pre-registering required ? What's the deal with needing an address ?
  4. Originally posted by Edi:So 3am UK time for the real pre-sale ? Amy other pre-registering required ? What's the deal with needing an address ?
    You’ll need a Sports Hub Tix account to complete the transaction.
  5. And a singapore address for RZ. Not for the other ticket types.
  6. Wow they actually cancelled tickets, looks like I’ll be staying up tonight then to do it all again.
  7. Jup. They cancelled my ticket as well.

    Well it was fun trying! 😂
  8. That is Catch-22...I won't book a hotel till I have a ticket...but won't have an address when I want to buy one.
  9. Didn’t expect the refund! This happened a few times before and was always fine. Guess now with social media too many did it Sorry for that. Hope all presale codes are properly reactivated again as well.
  10. I've called them too, the have said that they did not take the money, the money was "bounced off". Should be back on to the cc soon. If its not back immediately, then it's held back from the cc provider.
  11. As much as I’d prefer to have the tickets secured there’s a small twisted part of me that’s looking forward to the adrenaline rush purchasing them again lol. The joke will be on me though if I don’t manage to get GA.
  12. Adrenaline rush is sure for me
    After purchasing the other flights (especially the last one now from Kuala Lumpur to Seoul, as I will stay in KL for a couple of days instead going to Tokio), right now I have 215 EUR left to be at the cc limit. Not enough anymore to purchase two GA's

    I'm trying to contact the CC provider to increase the limit now.
    I have another cc, but this one might be blocked because it's Visa, and this can happen. I've told the Master Card provider to pause the "safety lock" for a couple of days to have no problems with the purchase.

    Well, it's my own fault now