1992-03-05 - Atlanta, Georgia - The Omni

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pessoas que estiveram nesse show: 13

5 usuários de Georgia: JFranz, blueeyedboy, breakingglass, crank, u2gw
3 de Tennessee: adumat, ddboone, whitneyweaver
2 de Alabama: mich40u2, wareaglegirl466
1 de Minnesota: moneyman2u
1 de United Arab Emirates: iambic
1 de Illinois: weirdo0521

revisão por DanielLikeAlbum

2 anos atrás


For the band’s performance at this show in Atlanta during the beginning stages of the Zoo TV tour, you can still tell that they are still unfamiliar with the newer material and new song arrangements but, to be fair, it was the beginning of the tour so it is a bit understandable.

During this show I will say, the Achtung Baby tracks that normally opened the show have been done better at many other shows as, I noticed quite a few sloppy moments during them, some of these include The Fly which is a weak version overall, Bullet The Blue Sky where for some reason Edge does the Zoo TV solo along with the original studio one and the beginning of Pride where the band mess it up.

However, there were some nice moments was well during this one such as the “not fade away” section during Bad, Running To Stand Still featuring “still running” during the transition to Streets for example. But overall not the band’s finest hour on Zoo TV.


Esta parte só foi avaliada, não comentada
Gravação: Audience microphone - 4 estrelas


Esta parte só foi avaliada, não comentada


Overall, this has to be one of the most eventful Zoo TV shows I’ve done, not only are the band still getting used to their new material on stage, the band also seem to perform some unique and different than most versions of songs from this tour, for example, take this show’s Bullet and compare it to others from this same tour. But overall, I will say this is one of the weirdest shows I’ve done.

Zoo Station
Until The End Of The World
Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses
Running To Stand Still
Ultra Violet (Light My Way)

The Fly

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  • Downloads do show: 1233


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Audience microphone

  • Origens: Audience microphone
  • Equipamento: Exact Audio Copy EAC (Sound Editor), Schoeps MK4 (Microphone), Sony TCD D3 (Audio recording device)
  • Linhagem: Schoeps mics > Sony TCD-D3 > DAT MASTER > Exact Audio Copy V0.9 beta 4 > WAV > MKW Audio Compression Tools 0.97b > mp3 (192kbps)
  • Qualidade baseada nas resenhas:
  • Downloads: 1304

áudio / MP3

Bit depth: 16, nota da amostra: 44100, canais: 2
Download via Mediafire.com
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  1. Bono in Atlanta
  2. U2 in Atlanta
  3. U2 in Atlanta