2009-07-21 - Amsterdam
Turnê: U2 360° Tour
Músicas tocadas: 23
Gravações de áudio: 5
Vídeos: 1
  1. One freaking year ago. Was surely one of the best nights of my life. It was grand.
  2. Crazy Tonight was highlight for me this gig. What you say guys?
  3. Dont remember much from the first, had crap seats hundreds miles from the stadion. The band sounded like boiling eggs from there.

    Second night I had GA and ashamingly shouted my lungs out

    Didnt hear any rehearsals (was at work till 6) so it was a nice surprise to hear UTEOTW. Used to think of it as an average U2 song. But live everyone went nuts.

  4. piece of trash for me. Good to grab a beer, though. Unfortunately that's what most people in my section did.
  5. The last minute of it is nice. When Larry throws the drum to his assistent and runs to the real thing. The rest doesnt really grab me.

    First 2 minutes are really awfull.
  6. Oh and Mysterious Ways was also big. Didn't expect it.

  7. that's true I remember that one clearly.

    as I check the date today...... again...... one year ago on July 21 I made it to front row on the outer circle, right in the middle at that microphone stand, damn that was all I had dreamed of.... and during Magnificent, that Irish singer stood right in front of me, no more than 2 meters away.... the small things you will never forget again in your entire life
    the second night was even more intense. Bad
  8. playing one, early on ... made me loose every sense of where I was ...
    I was sort of used to the setlist in a way, having been to barca-milan and nice before ...
    so it was a huge surprise ...
    along with elevation ....
    and yes ..
    bad ... very very bad .... in a good way huh ....
  9. One early in the set was a nice surprise. I liked the ZooTV'ness of One + UTEOTW. Also Bad was amazing live, I guess the bootleg doesnt do it justice, but it was amazing

    Angel Of Harlem and Desire worked great as well.
  10. Originally posted by toysfornoise:playing one, early on ... made me loose every sense of where I was ...
    I was sort of used to the setlist in a way, having been to barca-milan and nice before ...
    so it was a huge surprise ...
    along with elevation ....
    and yes ..
    bad ... very very bad .... in a good way huh ....

    damn it was a night to remember. Me and my friend joked about Zoo TV, playing UTEOTW after One that early in the set. And then we heard that strange intro sound. We went nuts. nuts. Hi5's at the intro of Bad too. It was grand.
  11. I wish I could go exactly 1 year back in time, I was standing at the catwalk, in the middle, anxiously awaiting U2 to come on.

    Watching U2360-dvd right now with my son, but would give a lot to go back 1 year.

    What I didn't know of course, is that I would pick up the Mexican flu in the Arena that night...
  12. Might be biased as hell, but a new multicam up on U2T of one of the better shows this tour.