2015-09-24 - Berlin
Тур: Innocence and Experience tour
Песен исполнено: 27
аудиозаписи: 4

  1. The Innocence + Experience tour will hit Berlin, Germany.

    Berlin multi-cam project
    Join or read all information about this project:

    Remy will be on the ground for the first two shows, and will share his stories on Snapchat & Instagram.

    Post-show chats
    Remy will host some (two) post-show Periscope chats at the Mercedes-Benz Arena, let him (me) know should you want to join after the show and ask questions from those who were not there.

    2015-09-24 Berlin, Germany
    2015-09-25 Berlin, Germany
    2015-09-28 Berlin, Germany
    2015-09-29 Berlin, Germany

    Will you be at any of these shows? Click on the date, and then add yourself to the list of attendees.
  2. Does Anyone know in which hotel they will be?
  3. any news on the sounds for the show
    is there any spoilers
    just curious
  4. Thanks, see you there!
  5. They are always there. Edge even always has the exact same room.
  6. I predict at least 2 great shows here... Special city with a special atmosphere!
  7. 25 september 1976 (larry's kitchen no?) to 25 september 2015 Berlin (guys play 11'o clock tick tock)
  8. wasn't it 22nd or 23rd?
  9. No, the 25th. Listen to San Sebastian 2010... "34 years ago, yesterday, I met this three guys"...