2018-05-28 - Duluth
Тур: Experience and Innocence tour
Песен исполнено: 26
аудиозаписи: 2
  1. why Larry is wearing glasses ? Glaucoma like Bono?
  2. I assume it's a stylistic choice, but who knows.
  3. If it were glaucoma he would have been wearing sunglasses. I think it is basically because of diminishing eyesight. It regularly happens when one gets older...

    I don't think he's been wearing them for stylist purposes only. Larry doesn't seem to be that guy. But I'm only speculating, I don't know the exact details either.
  4. BTW - another great thing about this tour... they're not wasting any time pulling the regulars on stage for whatever purpose...
  5. Hi all,
    Looks like ATL was a great show! Does anyone know what time it was over?
  6. I'd say about 10:45... show was just under 2 1/2 hours.
  7. I miss all because of you I hope they aren’t done with it
  8. Same here, I was definitely looking forward to hear it in my shows

    Not to mention Wild Horses... It's a crime that they brought it back for Tulsa only.