1993-11-27 - Sydney
Turne: ZOO TV
Songs played: 23
Ses kayıtları: 1

  1. You need to read my 'fan of the month' profile again my friend, I was in the crowd the night this was recorded, it was Popmart 97 that I missed.

  2. Was getting some really cool stuff Adam was doing because of this, like there are octaves on the bass in DGP and Lemon which I'd never heard before....
  3. Which isn't new at all, it's already a selectable audio track in the DVD released in 2006 - but it's understandable that it could sound "new" to some of us if we're used to hearing the PCM Stereo or Dolby Digital audio streams.

    Maybe someone who has downloaded the stream and also has the DVD on hand can compare both audio tracks?
  4. The sound seems to be the same as the DVD DTS, but the bass is more "groovy" in the U2.com stream.
  5. Now we just have to wait for the ‘remastered’ digital or DVD to keep Zoo TV version for AB 30th anniversary release
  6. The issue with all of these converters is that you can't select the audio channel being ripped, all of them take the 2.0 audio channel from the Vob file instead of the 5.1 channel, which is what I want. I already have the 2.0 audio, it was released as the Zoo TV Live CD
  7. Use DVD Audio Extractor. You can select the stream you want and it will convert it to the file format of your choice.
  8. I just ripped the DTS track to FLAC using DVD Audio Extractor and used the mp3 tag program to tag all files with artwork and everything. Took less than 10 minutes. I have the fan club cd version so never bothered to rip the audio before since I assumed they would be the same.

    Gonna try extracting the stream audio later to compare.

    No I wont be sharing so don't bother to ask. I was just offering advice on how it can be done.
  9. Originally posted by LikeASong:[..]
    Which isn't new at all, it's already a selectable audio track in the DVD released in 2006 - but it's understandable that it could sound "new" to some of us if we're used to hearing the PCM Stereo or Dolby Digital audio streams.

    Maybe someone who has downloaded the stream and also has the DVD on hand can compare both audio tracks?
    You could run it through Izotope and re-upload as a "fan-edit"?