1997-11-08 - St. Louis, Missouri - Trans World Dome

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show attendees: 18

7 users from Missouri:
Larsfan28, Moostache2, STL2steppin, ahilmer, cash35, husker99, mtell1

2 from Kentucky: Trucolorsfly, akajoeboy
2 from Kansas: Rev1L, seanedwards
1 from New Jersey: rjblaskiewicz
1 from Minnesota: moneyman2u
1 from Iowa: cth71
1 from Arkansas: eddyc
1 from Illinois: Lemon269
1 from Michigan: Blue_Room
1 from Nebraska: NUBD344

review by birdman987

7 years ago


A relatively by the numbers performance by the band in this era, which isn't saying nothing. For example, no Bad.


One of those really good products if you're looking for a well done, unique mastering by someone whose reasonably talented.
Recording: IEM - 4 stars


Can't really hear it in this one, this is all about the sound.


By listening to it, a decent show but doesn't punch above into the higher echelons.

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patou2 Read more
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Camo Read more
birdman987 Read more

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  • Recordings available: 2
  • Show downloads: 840

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  • Origins: IEM
  • Credits: Zircon (Audio Taper)
  • Equipment: Exact Audio Copy EAC (Sound Editor), Icom ScannerMaster (IEM Receiver)
  • Lineage: D8 DAT/Icom ScannerMAster DAT at 32khz > CDR > EAC > FLAC
  • Quality based on reviews:
  • Downloads: 501
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Audio / MP3

Bit rate: 192, bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, channels: 2
Download via Mega.nz
Audio samples

Audience microphone

  • Origins: Audience microphone
  • Downloads: 398

Audio / MP3

Bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, channels: 2
Download via Mediafire.com
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