2001-10-27 - New York, New York - Madison Square Garden


Performance notes: Bruce Brody (of Lone Justice and the Patti Smith Group) joins U2 on keys for Please. About twenty New York firefighters and emergency medical workers come on stage during Walk On and remain for the rest of the gig; some of them give spoken tributes to family and friends after U2 leave the stage.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

songs per album

  1. All That You Can't Leave Behind (6)
  2. The Joshua Tree (3)
  3. Achtung Baby (2)
  4. War (2)
  5. Boy (2)
  6. The Unforgettable Fire (2)
  7. Rattle and Hum (1)
  8. Pop (1)

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show attendees: 18

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New York
7 users from New York:
DProfesa, elevation001, floydman015, mav22, rossman, tsnafus, ymalkiel

2 from New Jersey: Fritzy, minimalist
2 from United Kingdom: allywilsonn, sturoopa
1 from Connecticut: numda01
1 from Maryland: bridonohue
1 from Massachusetts: tbornot2b
1 from Colorado: elevation1975
1 from Pennsylvania: zoopiglet
1 from Argentina: dieguito123
1 from Virginia: SleeplessBoy

review by DanielLikeAlbum

3 years ago


Phenomenal performance for the final New York show on the Elevation tour with every member putting on a fantastic performance to the entire audience, great renditions of songs are also performed tonight along with Bono being in good form vocally along with a nice changed up setlist as usual for shows on this final leg of the Elevation tour which all in all results in a top-tier performance for the entire tour here with everyone putting on a very memorable performance.


A bit distant but, still pretty good with instruments being clear in the audio.
Recording: "Fire Chief, The Edge" - 4 stars


Fantastic atmosphere throughout the course of the show.


One of the best Elevation shows I've ever done with this one being up there with South Bend in my opinion, as overall I'd say this is one of the best performances I have ever come across for this tour as everyone seems to be putting in a fantastic performance overall with an incredible atmosphere to back the already top-tier performance from the band, there's no doubt that this is a show that I'd recommend to anyone who is looking into doing a 3rd leg Elevation tour show due to how brilliant this show is from start to finish.

Beautiful Day
Until The End Of The World
Stuck In A Moment That You Can't Get Out Of
Bullet The Blue Sky
New York
Walk On
Out Of Control

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  • Show downloads: 782

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"Fire Chief, The Edge"

  • Origins: Audience microphone
  • Credits: Drew Caruso (Audio Taper), Scott Brown (Recording transferer)
  • Equipment: Sony PCM-M1 (Audio recording device), Battery Box (Power supply), Audio Technica AT-933 (Microphone)
  • Lineage: [DAT master] > Tascam DA-20mkii > Audiowerk2 > PowerMac G4/733 > SoundEdit 16 > shntool (Mac OS X) > .shn > CDR > WAV (EAC) > .flac [ > fre:ac > mp3]
  • Quality based on reviews:
  • Downloads: 745
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Bit rate: 256, bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, channels: 2
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Bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, channels: 2
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  1. Bono
  2. Bono
  3. Adam
  4. Bono with firemen
  5. Bono
  6. Edge
  7. Bono
  8. Bono
  9. Bono