TAPER: WatchMoreTV - Cusack Stand, Upper Level, Block 711
LINEAGE: [MD master @LP2] > .wav > CD-R > Easy CD-DA extractor >
.wav > PristineSounds* > .wav > [...] .wma > fre:ac > .wav >
fre:ac > mp3@320b/s
NB: Unfortunately I lost my lossless copy so I had to make a
convertion from WMA to MP3. Certainly not ideal but it still sounds
great if you are not too sensitive for noises above the 16kHz...
01. Vertigo
02. I Will Follow
03. The Electric Co.
04. Elevation
05. New Year's Day
06. Beautiful Day
07. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
08. Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses
09. City Of Blinding Lights
10. Miracle Drug
11. Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own
12. Love And Peace
13. Sunday Bloody Sunday
14. Bullet The Blue Sky
15. Running To Stand Still
16. Pride (In The Name Of Love)
17. Where The Streets Have No Name
18. One
19. Zoo Station
20. The Fly
21. With Or Without You
22. All Because Of You
23. Yahweh
24. Vertigo
Back in the day Dublin based taper WatchmoreTV used to send me his (mini disc) masters
for me to master and share. All these masters were, if I recall well, in mono (recorded
in "long play" mode) so I created a pseudo-stereo effect with some tool that was called
"Reverb 2000". I did erroneously called it "remastering," while in fact no-one had
"mastered" it prior to me. Looking back now, I would certainly have mastered it much
different with far less effects. I still keep turning boxes looking for enveloppes or
spindles that would hold those masters...but no luck so far.
Anyway, I'm glad that some of these mixes are still out there and that I already
preserved my workflow in PristineSounds:
"DC-Offset, Reverb (stereo effect), compresion (1:2,7 @300ms), equalization: low mix,
mid mix & high mix, volume adjustment, WAV-FLAC.
Edits: between One and Zoo Station and between WOWY and All Because Of You audience
noise is removed. [...]
Edit 2018: I removed the fades between BTBS and RTSS for seamless transition.
WatchMoreTV NOTES (2005):
The sound was off where we were this night. There was an echo or
something going on where we were sitting, so what you hear is pretty much what we
heard that night. This recording was made by a fan to be shared freely with other fans.