2018-05-12 - Las Vegas, Nevada - T-Mobile Arena

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show attendees: 72

12 users from California:
KenL, Ordenes, SlightedRadio91, arsenal65, auricursine, dcame15, dlbenz, ldubdj, mauriceh01, mofomario, mtnfox, ragde71

5 from Netherlands: BigGiRL, Pasta, michelpas, rubenennoa, yvonne
5 from Arizona: LisaP, TheBeazley, beckertime, justinpushplay, malamute
4 from Washington: DJSoulless, ballardmama, edmenendez, u22utoo
4 from Utah: Zooropa94, jmosher, millsu2, slackjef
4 from Texas: Molykote, TDarby719, U2Rthtown, rtask
4 from Canada: commodore, nunomoreira1, sholbech22, vinmono
4 from Colorado: VertigoSphere, norrisdt, sunbowl92, u2lori
3 from Nevada: DirettoreSabino, dghickey, omarj992
2 from Australia: mofothethird, runningtostandstill
2 from Oregon: LWood, nbelcik
1 from Norway: crowKB
1 from South Carolina: coastalchants
1 from Michigan: jpoe
1 from Denmark: Maiken
1 from Florida: ser82572
1 from United Kingdom: Turkued
1 from Ireland: dishdeep
1 from New York: AAV711
1 from Mexico: widorantes
1 from Ohio: youshine
1 from Idaho: BradF
1 from Connecticut: bono9904
1 from Argentina: LucasVenencia
1 from Maryland: mdmomof7
1 from Chile: pepokiss
1 from Poland: antistar
1 from Alabama: nigthor
1 from Minnesota: moneyman2u
1 from France: Judith86
1 from Kentucky: akajoeboy
1 from Portugal: gil_vox

review by dianajamison

4 years ago


I was so close to them and it was simply astounding! They can move people like no other band in history


Fabulous and so soulful
Recording: IEM - 4.5 stars


I went alone and was so excited and so hype during the whole concert. I was given the set list! Woohoo


Amazing, moving, touching and riveting! I loved it from start to finish

reviews from show attendees

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Gman68 Read more
dianajamison Read more

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Gman68 Read more
dianajamison Read more

Welcome to our audio page, on this page you can download lossy (MP3) and sometimes even the lossless (mostly FLAC) audio recordings (also known as bootlegs) of this show. The available recordings are sorted on the type of recording and the quality of the recording.

  • Recordings available: 2
  • Show downloads: 1029

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  • Origins: IEM
  • Credits: Xavel Silver Masterpiece Series (Matrix Creator)
  • Lineage: Multiple Stereo IEM Sources Matrix Recording.
  • Quality based on reviews:
  • Downloads: 752
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Audio / MP3

Bit rate: 192, bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, channels: 2
Download via Mega.nz
Audio samples

Audience microphone

  • Origins: Audience microphone
  • Credits: u22utoo (Audio Taper)
  • Equipment: Church Audio CA-11 (Microphone), Zoom H2 (Audio recording device)
  • Downloads: 293
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Audio / MP3

Bit rate: 192, bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, channels: 2
Download via Mega.nz
Audio samples

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  1. U2 in Las Vegas
  2. U2 in Las Vegas
  3. U2 in Las Vegas
  4. U2 in Las Vegas
  5. U2 in Las Vegas
  6. U2 in Las Vegas
  7. U2 in Las Vegas
  8. U2 in Las Vegas
  9. U2 in Las Vegas
  10. U2 in Las Vegas
  11. U2 in Las Vegas
  12. U2 in Las Vegas