This is a great recording of a U2 soundcheck. It was a sunny
November afternoon, and a handfull of fans were standing by a
fence, listening to U2 prepare for another evening of Zoo TV.
The area around Jack Murphy Stadium was ringing with riffs and
raucous pieces of U2 music followed by intricate and gentle
guitar pickings by The Edge. That morning, I went on a jumpseat
ride from Albany, NY to hear this concert, and arrived just as
the band was working on "Bad." Although we fans loitering outside
had some trouble hearing quieter parts, this taper - on their
crew - caught it quite clearly. His one disadvantage was being so
close to the speakers that some music is clipped and distorted.
Those bits we heard nicely clear across the parking lot!
By the time U2 concluded the sound check, there were dozens of
people standing glassy eyed in amazement at what we had just
heard...This recording catches a great soundcheck AND is of great
quality. Only a soundboard or DAT machine on the 50 yard line
would sound better. Thanks to Dana Fletcher, Justin Cook, and
the other traders for keeping these soundchecks in circulation!
Philip Collier