1982-01-26 - Dublin, Ireland - Royal Dublin Society Hall


Performance notes: The full set for this show is unknown but Tomorrow makes its live debut here with Vincent Kilfuff accompanying the band on uillean pipes. Gloria was the opener.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

songs per album

  1. October (7)
  2. Boy (6)
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1 from Ireland: Roy

review by daymo1202

7 years ago


A good friend of mine was at this show


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U2 still had a sizeable share of detractors in Ireland and band rivalry was rife in Dublin. U2 avoided all that.


A good friend of mine was at this show and was billed as U2's homecoming show in Dublin in January 1982. According to him Bono was at the peak of his game and so too were the other band members. My friend had a backstage pass too but actually declined the offer and thought getting his then girlfriend home that night was more important. Such a gentleman!

His brother did go backstage and just shared a buffet with all those who were there including U2. Both my friend and his brother had seen U2 as early as 1979 in Dublin at the Dandelion Market and Trinity College so seeing them live and meeting them was no big deal. I keep telling them to write a book.

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