Performance notes: On an unknown date in February 1979, U2 records a studio set for another demo. The engineer is Dave Freely, and this recording of Twilight goes on to become the b-side of U2's second single, Another Day, in February 1980 (a new, much more polished version is recorded for Boy). Setlist and comment provided by
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Good job for early years, but the band are obviously still trying to find their groove.
Bono sings Twilight in a very odd way, with choppy, staccato lyrics at points. The words are significantly different to the album version; the music is also rather strange.
Another Time, Another Place is much more similar to the one that would be recorded on Boy.
Pretty good, actually. Much better than I was expecting, although it's a little static-y. False Prophet has notably worse sound than the rest. Recording: Audience microphone - 4 stars
Not a must-have, but an interesting look at U2's beginnings. For collectors of rare songs, this one has three unreleased tracks and the working versions of two other early songs. That, coupled with the lack of existing boots -- nevermind boots that have sound quality like this one -- from the early years of U2, makes this little session one I'd recommend.
The real highlight of this boot is The Magic Carpet (AKA Life on a Distant Planet) (AKA Lost on a Silent Planet), although I believe it is available elsewhere -- Four Wild Irish Roses Vol. 2, for example, although I believe that version may be slightly edited from this one.The other two unreleased songs are interesting but not as good.
Alone in the Light is cut. False Prophet has worse sound than the rest of the boot.
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