1992-03-05 - Atlanta, Georgia - The Omni

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show attendees: 15

5 users from Georgia: JFranz, blueeyedboy, breakingglass, crank, u2gw
4 from Tennessee: Flash_Gordon, adumat, ddboone, whitneyweaver
2 from Alabama: mich40u2, wareaglegirl466
1 from Idaho: rmadelson
1 from Minnesota: moneyman2u
1 from United Arab Emirates: iambic
1 from Illinois: weirdo0521

review by WarholSuperstar

1 year ago


As other reviewers have pointed out before me, they do still seem be getting used to the new songs, etc., during this show. That said, though - I think this is their best performance of the tour yet. Definitely worth a listen (or two or three).


Very good sound overall; audience noise/chatter isn't too distracting.
Recording: Audience microphone - 4 stars


This part is only rated, not commented on


I recently got the idea to listen to all Zoo TV shows in order to hear the progression of song arrangements, etc. Lakeland/Miami were OK... Charlotte was pretty good... but this is the first recording I got totally lost in, as though I was there. UTEOTW is transcendent here. I have a particular fondness for their live rendition of Satellite; this version is close to being the perfect form it eventually becomes. AOH & Bad are also very good - And god, I love the version of UV here. WOWY & LIB are also excellent. My only real complaint is the weird transition from AIWIY into Bullet - it's so clunky; not sure why they didn't drop it after the first show. Anyway - this is a very good show in my opinion, but I know they'll only get better from here.

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  • Recordings available: 1
  • Show downloads: 1235

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Audience microphone

  • Origins: Audience microphone
  • Equipment: Exact Audio Copy EAC (Sound Editor), Schoeps MK4 (Microphone), Sony TCD D3 (Audio recording device)
  • Lineage: Schoeps mics > Sony TCD-D3 > DAT MASTER > Exact Audio Copy V0.9 beta 4 > WAV > MKW Audio Compression Tools 0.97b > mp3 (192kbps)
  • Quality based on reviews:
  • Downloads: 1306

Audio / MP3

Bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, channels: 2
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  1. Bono in Atlanta
  2. U2 in Atlanta
  3. U2 in Atlanta