U2start's work has always been all about sharing. Sharing concert recordings, sharing photographies, sharing knowledge and sharing our passion.
We have been asked many times "what would I need to record a show?", "how can I share a recording?", etc. so we felt like it was time to share our knowledge about concert taping, so everyone can hop on the bandwagon and start taping on their own. Taping concerts is a beautiful hobby that makes many people happy, including the the taper and the people who went to the concert and can relive it by listening to a wonderful recording of it. It's a win-win situation.
We have just started publishing a series of articles (part 1: Your Target & The Recorder) that will show you the basic concepts of taping: what you can expect, what do you need to start out, how much will it cost you and where can you get it.
This forum topic will serve as a question-solving thread about these articles, and you can also provide your feedback here - everything is welcome.
We hope you enjoy it, and we hope to light the taper's fire inside of you

U2start - Share your passion.
Part 1: Your Target & The Recorder: http://www.u2start.com/content/article/11/Tapers-guide-part-1-Your-Target-The-Recorder/
Part 2: Microphones: http://www.u2start.com/content/article/12/Tapers-guide-part-2-Microphones/
Part 3: Get in, record & share: http://www.u2start.com/content/article/14/Tapers-guide-part-3-Get-in-record-share/
Way to go