2015-09-24 - Berlin
Tour: Innocence and Experience tour
Songs played: 27
Audio recordings: 4
  1. Good idea, Bart
  2. Ok place your bets: at which show or shows will Stay be played, and in which format?

    I'd say shows 2 and 4, Bono and Edge solo. I would LOVE a piano version, which has never been played and is how the song was born anyway.

    Edit. Hadn't read Tim's post
  3. It will be played at 0 shows.
    I hope I eat my words.
  4. But acoustic Stay is meh anyway
  5. Acoustic Stay is better than No Stay.

    And much better than Stuck, Angel Of Harlem and many of the other E-stage staples.
  6. If Stay was played all times in the e-stage like AOH or Desire, I'd be asking for AOH
  7. 40 people already on the GA list ....