2017-05-12 - Vancouver
Tour: Joshua Tree Tour 2017
Songs played: 23
Audio recordings: 6
Videos: 1
  1. Miss Sarajevo was fabulous....

  2. Obviously we all knew that RTSS was going to be in the set, but i'm just so happy that it is. Didn't think it'd be played live when i sung it half drunk in Glasgow in 2015!

  3. I think the time constraints kind of handcuffed them. It sounded great for sure, but I think Seattle show will be the real reveal for the tempo of the show...
  4. Originally posted by blueeyedboy:[..]

    I think the time constraints kind of handcuffed them. It sounded great for sure, but I think Seattle show will be the real reveal for the tempo of the show...
    it did seemed rushed, yes
  5. Awesome videos. Main set looks absolutely flawless. The encore however looks pretty bad besides UV. I love that they're playing an unreleased song , bus MS into new song is a terrible way to end a show. Especially for the tons of casuals at a stadium show. Great start to the tour though. I'm even more excited now.
  6. Originally posted by MoFoNYR15:Awesome videos. Main set looks absolutely flawless. The encore however looks pretty bad besides UV. I love that they're playing an unreleased song , bus MS into new song is a terrible way to end a show. Especially for the tons of casuals at a stadium show. Great start to the tour though. I'm even more excited now.
    LOL. I was just to post the same thing. I get what they were going for, ending with and opening the door to SOE, I just think it while the song is great, it's weak as a closer...