2018-09-29 - Copenhagen
Tour: Experience and Innocence tour
Songs played: 25
Audio recordings: 4
  1. Originally posted by acrobaat:[..]
    I don't think Bono can sing the high notes in Landlady, because of his voice problems. I think SBS really works, only in the full Innocence block.

    Oh BS. He can do any song he wants. He just sings it differently. The same thing was said about Red Hill Mining Town. Played for a whole tour.

    Sorry, I completely and utterly disagree with you about SBS. The Innocence version was a slog. People would stand up and get ready to get fired up and it never went anywhere and would sort of sit back down about mid way through. All three times I saw this version performed this happened. You are one of the few I have heard that thought it really worked. Each their own.
  2. Originally posted by BigGiRL:[..]
    So? You're point? I am not complaining... I am MTV generation

    I have my bootlegs & GA tickets to 3 more e+i shows


  3. Originally posted by Blue_Room:[..]

    Oh BS. He can do any song he wants. He just sings it differently. The same thing was said about Red Hill Mining Town. Played for a whole tour.

    Sorry, I completely and utterly disagree with you about SBS. The Innocence version was a slog. People would stand up and get ready to get fired up and it never went anywhere and would sort of sit back down about mid way through. All three times I saw this version performed this happened. You are one of the few I have heard that thought it really worked. Each their own.
    Yes, like I said SBS works in the full Innocence block and acoustic. Bono at this moment can definitely sing Landlady, but perhaps in a very low key.
  4. Originally posted by acrobaat:[..]
    I'm a true U2 fan for 26 years. But I'm not going. This show is not worth 205 bucks. Or the GA price including the Fanclub price.

    But your favourite tour is this one?

  5. Originally posted by Blue_Room:[..]

    Funny, because I have heard bitching that they have this state of the art screen and are not utilizing it with new creative theme's and graphics, IE the Iris/Cedarwood section. I'm not saying it is awful. But they should have something more than just a few lights blinking for at least one of the new replacement songs. They took out one of the visual highlights of the screen (Cedarwood Road) which is fine, but replace it with something else cool. Thats all I'm saying. It seems like laziness on the part of Willie more than anything. They usually go along with what he suggests visually. But who knows. Sounded like they had something visually planned for Landlady based on the rehearsal audio.

    Oh, and I'm not really "bitching" about anything here. I'm just expressing that they have this technology, use it. Upper deck seats the visuals DO make a difference in this day and age.

    If you’ve heard it then I can’t argue with that but it’s not a view I’ve come across often if at all really. I’ve heard the odd positive remark about the screens and the negative remarks usually about using the screen in a similar way to I&E, same songs etc but I can’t remember reading in a show review about the screen really drastically effecting someone’s opinion of the show.
  6. Of course you can. Go ahead.

    Apologies if you feel that way.
  7. Complaining is something else than bitching for the last 4 pages about a tour you're not going to visit and stating you're a TRUE fan.

    Just my 2 cents though
  8. I think with the level of complaining you are doing you should be prepared to get some feedback. Nobody is stopping you complain but people are also entitled to disagree with you.