1997-12-03 - Mexico City
Tour: Popmart
Songs played: 25
Audio recordings: 1
Videos: 1
  1. This whole virtuele road thing and en with 4 songs en is just a big joke. Can not believe we take this serious. It shows the pourness of U2 nowadays being not capable of representing their own music.
  2. Originally posted by ferrari:This whole virtuele road thing and en with 4 songs en is just a big joke. Can not believe we take this serious. It shows the pourness of U2 nowadays being not capable of representing their own music.
    what do you mean by 'not capable of representing their own music' ?
  3. I’ve enjoyed the last 4 weeks. Maybe I’m the only one who’s appreciated this
  4. Interesting, so they actually mixed something new, haha. Thanks for the info Aaron.
  5. For me it’s not that I haven’t enjoyed the live streams, Popmart in particular looks brilliant visually and they were free anyway but I see absolutely no point in the EP’s. The shows should have been put on streaming sites and available to download in full a long time ago. Now when they do finally put them on up it’s 4 songs per show, a complete waste of time. Surely every u2 fan that really wants the full audio of these gigs has it.
  6. Although I havent watched one single show live on youtube, only a bit of Slane, I also enjoyed it
  7. Originally posted by deanallison:[..]
    For me it’s not that I haven’t enjoyed the live streams, Popmart in particular looks brilliant visually and they were free anyway but I see absolutely no point in the EP’s. The shows should have been put on streaming sites and available to download in full a long time ago. Now when they do finally put them on up it’s 4 songs per show, a complete waste of time. Surely every u2 fan that really wants the full audio of these gigs has it.
    Maybe one day they’ll release the whole shows. Maybe these eps are just to promote the streams and they’ll do the whole concerts down the road
  8. Originally posted by Cgmorgan1986:[..]
    Maybe one day they’ll release the whole shows. Maybe these eps are just to promote the streams and they’ll do the whole concerts down the road
    Why bother doing it in stages though? It’s not some sort of exclusive they’re already way behind just put them all up on steaming sites, every dvd release put the audio on streaming sites and make it available to download, why wait? It still wouldn’t really interest me, I’d buy cd’s of the live shows but digital versions are of no interest to me when I’ve got all the songs on my iPhone already.
  9. Paul McGuinness doesn't approve.
  10. I’d imagine U2’s current management team wouldn’t be too pleased either. Thing is they could have my money if it was previously unreleased gigs released digitally only, I’d pay for them but when I’ve already purchased the dvd/blu Ray and there’s no physical cd option then I won’t be paying for downloads, no chance.