1. Awful. Horrible. Very bad.

    I’m with @LikeASong on this one.
  2. This one is in the same boat for me as the Miracle
  3. that is shockingly bad
  4. Best U2 track in decades. The last time they sounded this loose on a recording was the October/War period. Has a kind of late 60s Rolling Stones vibe. Amazing. Definitely the best preview track and way better than the original recording which was unbearable.
  5. Originally posted by BloodyValentine:Best U2 track in decades. The last time they sounded this loose on a recording was the October/War period. Has a kind of late 60s Rolling Stones vibe. Amazing. Definitely the best preview track and way better than the original recording which was unbearable.
    I’ve been wondering if this was a troll account, thanks for confirming.
  6. Absolutely abysmal ,file along side many others.
  7. I actually liked this preview! Y’all made it out to be nails on a chalkboard!
  8. haha, imho this is really bad. wtf is this
  9. I think it is better than what they released... nice surprise
  10. I think you're a meanie.