1. One of the things I like best about "Streets" live is the segues between it and the songs played before it...so many good ones over the years...Running to Stand Still (Zoo), Please (Pop), and Walk On (early-360) were great. Yet, the transitions from Bad (Boston 2001) and All I Want Is You (Slane 2001) are my all-time favourite moments of ANY recording...at ANY time... from ANY band. So good.
  2. Slane, no doubt.
  3. Popmart version for me...
  4. The album version is perfect

  5. Exactly - none of the live versions have the complexity and nuance of the album - whether it be the guitar, drumming, or vocals.
  6. Having seen it I would consider Popmarts WTSHNN as the best performance. Dublin 1989 is up there too, and Slane. But having Please surge into WTSHNN you can't beat it!
  7. Rattle and hum dvd for me!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I thought you'd say PopMart Mexico or whatever Kidding...

    [Aaron] By the way, Silver Spring Shores have the same initial letters than my full name. [/Aaron]
  9. I'd have to go with Boston 2001, if only for the brilliantly epic camera sequence with Bono at the tip of the heart, the lights flashing in the background to the sound of Edge's guitar, and the camera hurtling sideways towards the heart as the audience just goes insane. One of my most favorite "U2 visuals" ever. Simply stunning.
  10. Originally posted by shkee23:I'd have to go with Boston 2001, if only for the brilliantly epic camera sequence with Bono at the tip of the heart, the lights flashing in the background to the sound of Edge's guitar, and the camera hurtling sideways towards the heart as the audience just goes insane. One of my most favorite "U2 visuals" ever. Simply stunning.

    One of the best instances of the "trickle" effect of the intro- the sharp, punctuated notes popping through the synth, is in the Vertigo Vancouver show, 2005-04-28. The way the notes start sharp and strong is different than how sometimes it fades in, or he doesn't always start on the same note, etc...the beginning of that version is truly PERFECT- download the boot for that. It's a great show otherwise, too. The rest of the performance of Streets actually has a few flaws, but that's definitely my favorite intro.