1. Every breath you take - The Police
  2. Originally posted by Alex[..]

    I don't believe in the subconscious power of "backward messages" any more. But I admit I did when I was fifteen. Sorry brother.

    But Jimmy Page believing in Aleister Crowley's teachings and therefore having bought Crowley's house are facts. That he (among many others) used Heroin and a lot of other drugs is another. He freely admits that in any interview when he gets asked. I myself read it in a present- day interview in the "musikexpress" Led Zeppelin special (2002 if I remember right).

    "Stairway to Heaven" is still a fantastic song. Zep have left a big footprint in rock history. Remember also "Communication Breakdown", "Whole lotta Love", "Immigrant Song", "Black Dog", "Rock and Roll", "Kashmir" and "Achilles last Stand". Everyone has to admit that these are true rock classics.

    Now what do we do with this information about the private life of Mr. Page? I believe everyone has the godgiven right to choose what he wants to fill his life with.


    I highly doubt that this message was intentional...or with bad intentions...at the most, they were making a joke.
  3. The Wanderer - U2 - remembering Johnny Cash 2005-11-16

    One of the bests in my opinion!!
  4. Bat Out Of Hell - Meatloaf.......... on the tunes in work.
  5. Now I'm with King Of Pain, of The Police.
    Originally posted by AidanFormigoniThe Wanderer - U2 - remembering Johnny Cash 2005-11-16

    One of the bests in my opinion!!
    One of the bests WHAT ?
  6. Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson.
  7. King Of Pain as just finished, and my random player has selected Help! by the Beatles and now i'm with Don't Stop Till You Get Enough, of Michael Jackson.

    PS. I'm waiting to my random player to get me some U2 soon...
  8. Originally posted by LikeASongKing Of Pain as just finished, and my random player has selected Help! by the Beatles and now i'm with Don't Stop Till You Get Enough, of Michael Jackson.

    PS. I'm waiting to my random player to get me some U2 soon...

    It'll come soon enough....I love Don't Stop Til You Get Enough. Either AC/DC or Michael Jackson will play randomnly on mine.
  9. Now is playing Desire. U2, at the end.
  10. The Sounds - Night After Night
  11. Sex Pistols - Never Mind The Bollocks..........timeless classic.
