1. you, too?! it's amazing, isn't it. Just like my old baby, but so shiny and with all the new features. I'm in love

  2. No problem mate. Check this site too: http://ntfsonmac.com/
    the one I mentioned is actually Tuxera NTFS, also mentioned on that site.
    It also mentions different free and paid solutions plus a way to enable native support.

  3. Surprised me too...weird, even if it is some kind of absurd competition thing.
  4. You would have thought given Apple's campaign for people to 'switch' - and people coming from a PC / Windows background, they would have NTFS support available. But then again, it is Apple.

    Ali - thanks again. It just floored me how I plugged in both external drives and not one could be written to. Kinda stumped me - and usually I'd find a way around it but you couldn't with what I had. Ah well.
  5. Alright Ali, had a look at Tuxera and I'm now able to copy to my external drive on my Mac. All it took was something simple as that, although it comes up with some 'could not mount' error when I first start the computer.

    Apart from that - it goes beautifully.
  6. Originally posted by drewhiggins:Alright Ali, had a look at Tuxera and I'm now able to copy to my external drive on my Mac. All it took was something simple as that, although it comes up with some 'could not mount' error when I first start the computer.

    Apart from that - it goes beautifully.

    Good to know Drew, glad it helped
    Makes you wonder why they didn't include it natively!
    Had not seen that error, might be something related to your drive, maybe check Tuxera's site for help?
  7. It sure does make you wonder. Maybe compatibility with something was the problem they found.

    Ah well, long as it's working.
  8. Is this the delightful WP7 app?
  9. Yes
  10. Preparing a major update
  11. When is the Android app coming out then? xD Or the mobile site with full LT compatibility