1. I had (luckily) forgotten about this super ugly cover, and now you people bring it back and make me see a pair of dinosaur-sized testicles over Edge's head. Congrats
  2. Fans dub this live album, 'Teabagged'
  3. Wouldn't suppose anyone has their copy yet and can confirm this is the official cover?
  4. Even though I assume nobody has it yet they’ve already shown us it going through the pressing plant with that cover.
  5. I would honestly say it looks more like the small of the back of a nude woman.
  6. Other than the ballsack I actually like it.
  7. I don't care what it looks like I just want the tracks!
  8. Their new fan club motto.. “We take so long to deliver your ballsack will start to droop”
  9. Either that or the tip of a giant penis! Look out below!
    (They're giving props to the Beastie Boys, I guess)
  10. Originally posted by RUMMY:[..]
    Either that or the tip of a giant penis! Look out below!
    (They're giving props to the Beastie Boys, I guess)
    So what you are saying is the Live CD is coming?
  11. Guessing no new songs today?