1. Absolutely everyone is entitled to their opinion but most of that I’ve written is facts not even opinion. The only bit that is opinion is whether it interests you or not but sound quality, price point compared to vinyl, future value (based on other live fan club releases) and songs not included on Sydney from the album are all factual pieces of information. I think it’s also factual that a lot of fans want previously unreleased live material I’m sure on polls that’s what fans have said they want most from the fan club. But all that doesn’t mean you need to be convinced.
  2. Originally posted by electricwar1:I’m not entirely sure why people are getting excited about this, it’s confirmed as a single CD, so good chance it will only be the 12 tracks of AB, the only rare track will be so cruel the rest are all easily available of this website. So let’s break it down what they are asking us to fork out $50 for, a single cd where most of tracks can be downloaded from here, also let’s not forget the Sydney fan club gift which has most of the album on it as well, and some fancy packaging to dress up something that’s likely going to turn up on eBay within a few weeks of release when people realise how much they have been taken for a ride
    What you said makes a lot of sense…NOT! I re-subscribed the day they announced the gift and I’m excited for this. Yes everyone is entitled to their opinion but it almost seemed like you’re saying those that are excited for this are idiots for being so.
  3. Originally posted by deanallison:[..]
    Absolutely everyone is entitled to their opinion but most of that I’ve written is facts not even opinion. The only bit that is opinion is whether it interests you or not but sound quality, price point compared to vinyl, future value (based on other live fan club releases) and songs not included on Sydney from the album are all factual pieces of information. I think it’s also factual that a lot of fans want previously unreleased live material I’m sure on polls that’s what fans have said they want most from the fan club. But all that doesn’t mean you need to be convinced.
    I'm one of those who want previously unreleased live material as much as possible. If it's 1 cd or 2 or 3 or more i don't care. Don't even mind that songs/lyrics are tweaked like they did with Apollo. I'm gonna enjoy it anyhow.
  4. I just want to remind us all this is a thing
  5. needing the tracklist
  6. I can promise that anyone who clicks on this thread doesn’t need reminding. 😉

    It is indeed a thing. Can’t wait.

  7. this should be in Achtung Baby Live Cd
  8. Maybe we'll get So Cruel from Hershey and they will somehow mix in the fake crowd noise from "Electrical Storm." To me, that was one of the biggest blunders ever. They know the buyers of a fan club exclusive recording are going to be somewhat adept fans. Nobody anywhere is going to believe Storm got the roar of the crowd. But back on topic: I'm not too optimistic about this release, so perhaps I will be happy with it for that reason: Expect little, get something
  9. as long as they give it to me, for me they can put whatever they want in the background
  10. Originally posted by pleasegone:Maybe we'll get So Cruel from Hershey and they will somehow mix in the fake crowd noise from "Electrical Storm." To me, that was one of the biggest blunders ever. They know the buyers of a fan club exclusive recording are going to be somewhat adept fans. Nobody anywhere is going to believe Storm got the roar of the crowd. But back on topic: I'm not too optimistic about this release, so perhaps I will be happy with it for that reason: Expect little, get something
  11. Judging from audience recordings and videos, Electrical Storm got a big roar of the crowd in Milan in 2009, and that's also what I remember having been there.
    I certainly let out a huge scream of approval when it startet. But it maybe/probably/most likely was enhanced on the fanclub CD.