1. dont know yet , how mutch 80 euro
  2. it will be maybe delivered tomorrow
  3. only 1 officiel release needed : wide awake in ........ the holy grail
  4. thnx , i wait for (maybe) lower price of somebody who doesn't know what the holy grail is
  5. As my daughter says : daddy,if we’d sell your records we’ll be rich
    Yes dear,just with my U2 records
  6. I’ve told my family that if I should die unexpectedly they are NOT to throw out my collection and instead find a home for it among fans who will appreciate it for what it is. No first editions of Three or Wide Awake in Europe but plenty of stuff that isn’t available any more.
  7. only the u2 collection you be rich
  8. Originally posted by Sydney_MIke:I’ve told my family that if I should die unexpectedly they are NOT to throw out my collection and instead find a home for it among fans who will appreciate it for what it is. No first editions of Three or Wide Awake in Europe but plenty of stuff that isn’t available any more.