1. eye for detail

  2. Picked up this very cool autographed u2 book signed by paul mcguinness 
  3. Beware, this book is full of errors and misconceptions, I am really surprised that PMcG signed it. If it is genuine, congrats anyway.
  4. Originally posted by Papo:Beware, this book is full of errors and misconceptions, I am really surprised that PMcG signed it. If it is genuine, congrats anyway.
    Thanks I thought it was a pretty cool find
  5. Is that an original edition or a reprint - it looks in remarkably good shape. (I bought it when it was first released)
  6. Originally posted by Papo:Beware, this book is full of errors and misconceptions, I am really surprised that PMcG signed it. If it is genuine, congrats anyway.
    Hot Press: Were you happy with [Dunphy’s U2 biography] The Unforgettable Fire?

    McGuinness in 2006: Yes, I was – largely. It was an interesting book. I think it got a lot of criticism at the time from music journalists – because most of them in Dublin thought they should have written it! (laughs) But I think at the time it was a very good thing to have somebody from another world, if you like, coming in and seeing what they made of it. And yeah – I like the book. It was very much his work. I mean, it wasn’t in any way authorised. He wrote his own book and he got the money. And we didn’t participate in it in terms of editorial control or, indeed, financially.
  7. Does anyone have the U2 iPod?
  8. I've taken a punt and purchased a category B (good) 5th gen iPod for £85 including delivery. Will see what condition it actually arrives in. I'm after a box now. Not bothered whether it's an original or not.