1. actually on elevation they snippeted it twice and it was pretty sweet. the zurich witzerland one was pretty haunting.
  2. Zoo TV for me. The guitar, the harmonica, Bono acting out the "addict" scene, the lights, I just loved the whole package. So much emotion.
  3. Zoo all the way. The spectacle, the theatre of it all, Edge and that amazing segue into Streets. Just brilliant.
  4. I voted Zoo TV and then wanted to go back to vote for Joshua and then went back to re-vote for Zoo TV, an endless spiral... This song is hhe perfect example of how a great song can be re-newed simply switching a Yamaha keyboard for a Fender Statocaster guitar, and viceversa.
  5. ZooTV, although I was tempted to go JT/LT...I wasn't exactly unfond of Vertigo, but they're clearly the weakest
  6. ZooTV wouldnt have been as bad had Bono not used a headset mic. His breathing annoys me. The intro into Streets is also slightly massively over done.
  7. Originally posted by germcevoy:ZooTV wouldnt have been as bad had Bono not used a headset mic. His breathing annoys me. The intro into Streets is also slightly massively over done.

    I don't like the headset too... It looks clumsy.
  8. Really? I think it adds a special feeling to the song, together with the heroine performance... I love it.
  9. Only voted for JT tour because it was limited to live versions. I have never heard a live version that captures the magic of the studio track. When they play guitar, I miss the piano and vice versa.
  10. I like Vertigo. Dont know why. Oddly, I prefer the harmonica at the begining instead of the end.
  11. Originally posted by notcomingdown:Only voted for JT tour because it was limited to live versions. I have never heard a live version that captures the magic of the studio track. When they play guitar, I miss the piano and vice versa.

    Lovetown features guitar and piano