1. Yeah that looks pretty maxed out in a lot of areas. There are ways to solve that though with EQ/spectral repair
  2. My Cosmos Is Mine is pretty bad to listen to with headphones.

    Hopefully, the vinyl is better. The vinyl leak was at the wrong speed.
  3. Almost any modern pop/rock song is brickwalled for at least 60% of its length, usually except for the intro. It has to compete on trebly devices (phones etc) for attention.

    Guess the is more the original mix than than the mastering though. If you over-compress the individual tracks it's hard to fix that in mastering. Dave sounds over-compressed on Wagging Tongue, but maybe that was an artistic decision.
  4. Originally posted by melon51:[..]
    Almost any modern pop/rock song is brickwalled for at least 60% of its length, usually except for the intro. It has to compete on trebly devices (phones etc) for attention.

    Guess the is more the original mix than than the mastering though. If you over-compress the individual tracks it's hard to fix that in mastering. Dave sounds over-compressed on Wagging Tongue, but maybe that was an artistic decision.
  5. Ok, I like this record so far Speak To Me is hitting right now
  6. Just got back from opening night. Not a huge Depeche Mode so wasn't super into it.

    They have a really nice stage setup and the B-Stage...and then they hardly use it!
  7. Originally posted by hoserama:Just got back from opening night. Not a huge Depeche Mode so wasn't super into it.

    They have a really nice stage setup and the B-Stage...and then they hardly use it!
    So they opened the tour the night before the album came out? Well that seems bold. Didn't they learn anything from Popmart