1. One love
    One life
    One U2start
  2. U2start... sucking rock and roll

    (I really like this one)... maybe an idea for a hoodie?
  3. Get on your Bootlegs with U2start.com
  4. Maybe something for the ones you're going with?

    'I'm with a U2start-fool' or so?

  5. 'My sex-life is dramatic since my boyfriend found U2start.com'

  6. Hahahaha
    And for the boyfriends of our lady-members:
    'How come she thinks Adam Clayton is hotter than me?'

  7. 'Fuck U2, Chris Martin is hotter than Bono'.
  8. 'Chris Martins a Wanker'

  9. This has to be IT!

    With on the backside:
    'Who the fuck are The Killers?'
    Now that would be a way to take back on Brandon Flowers
  10. Originally posted by markp91:[..]

    This has to be IT!

    With on the backside:
    'Who the fuck are The Killers?'
    Now that would be a way to take back on Brandon Flowers

    on the backside:

    And he's a disfunctional character and a cretin.