1. A good mix of both.

    I would really hate to have sth just meditative. I U2 when they rock
  2. Voted for meditative but I wouldn't mind any of those. The 'rocker' must have songs like Mercy, in case it's a 'rocker' like HTDAAB it's bound to suck.

  3. Same here. I wouldn't mind the overall atmosphere being low-key and meditative, but we need a good rocker in there somewhere.
    And by "good," I mean something like Exit...not Stand Up Comedy.
  4. Originally posted by AllBecauseOfU2:[..]

    Same here. I wouldn't mind the overall atmosphere being low-key and meditative, but we need a good rocker in there somewhere.
    And by "good," I mean something like Exit...not Stand Up Comedy.

    I'd love a little rocker like In God's Country or One Tree Hill.
  5. i just realized Window in the Skies was produced by Rubin and i want them to make songs like that. Maybe more rockerish
  6. Originally posted by Shimitz:i just realized Window in the Skies was produced by Rubin and i want them to make songs like that. Maybe more rockerish

    The song is overally good but the chorus in it is crap. Definitely better than One Step Closer though...
  7. I'd say a good mix. We want some more experimental tracks, but we also want something that we can rock out to in a car or at a concert, so i want some more tracks like the ones off of NLOTH, just better ones Not saying NLOTH is bad, but if they're releasing a sort of "part 2" of NLOTH, they should try harder to make it even better.
  8. Originally posted by RattleandHum1988:I'd say a good mix. We want some more experimental tracks, but we also want something that we can rock out to in a car or at a concert, so i want some more tracks like the ones off of NLOTH, just better ones Not saying NLOTH is bad, but if they're releasing a sort of "part 2" of NLOTH, they should try harder to make it even better.

    Bono said he only want to release a new album if its better than NLOTH
  9. Everything is better than One Step Closer............
  10. Originally posted by yuri31:Voted for meditative but I wouldn't mind any of those. The 'rocker' must have songs like Mercy, in case it's a 'rocker' like HTDAAB it's bound to suck.
    Well, Mercy was a leftout from HTDAAB... I won''t say more

  11. nah, I quite like it. Whats wrong with it? And All Because Of You is certainly worse...


  12. Anything on HTDAAB is a piece of shit when compared to Mercy.

    Actually, All Because of You has some rocking guitar work in it, but Bono is bloody awful there.