1. what is this "best thing" song, really? come on. finally, u2 have made a song for people to dance to in jean shorts. but even still, its stuck in my damn head.
  2. Originally posted by MattG:what is this "best thing" song, really? come on. finally, u2 have made a song for people to dance to in jean shorts. but even still, its stuck in my damn head.
    I guess that would mean "mission accomplished", no????

  3. Cheers y'all
  4. That's one of the best things to ever come from my country. Enjoy it

    I'm on Baileys tonight, chilling with some friends, playing Trivial and laughing hard.
  5. Formentera to be exact
    Holiday finished.going home ( holy shit)
    At least we Got alcohol!
  6. *i'm already home ( double holy shit)

  7. Irish pub in Melbourne
  8. Got Kilkenny?