1. all the best i hope for you and i wii save a pray for you tonoght, God bless you dear music fan u2 fan ,big hug
  2. You deserve this, Kirsten. Enjoy it!
  3. I haven't been on this forum long and I'm not particularly personal on here compared to some members, but I read this and you deserve to have a high point as great as the one you'll be getting. I wish you the best of luck! God bless you
  4. Have one hell of a time, Kirsten! Hopefully we'll meet in the coming months, or maybe next year at some summer show! I have made a genetically engineered MacSpidey 2.0 who wants to say hi to you
  5. nice to see that although times are rough
    you are in good spirits and you have a right to be
    your a beautiful soul and an inspiration to us
    to push ahead in any circumstance
    i hope you have a lovely experience
    at your u2 shows xx oo
  6. I was already starting to weep but the Emiel reference made me crack

    So glad for you, you already know it. Everything else is just cheap talk. So glad, so proud. Eternal hands down
  7. The band doesn't know it, but they're playing for you tomorrow. Have the BEST time.
  8. Have a fantastic time tomorrow! Good luck, god bless, and may it be the best time ever!
  9. Originally posted by MacStripey:okay folks, short update.

    Some medical checks have been done again recently. Slight change for the worse in blood tests and hypophysis work, but bearable as far as the main functions are concerned (said the doctors).

    Still trying to train my left eye for more and more every day use. Difficult. But no choice for me, right. So... feeling for balance while walking is still damaged, swaying every now and then, feeling slightly dizzy now and then. Cortison is still butchering my system, bones ache, short-time memory damaged due to the stroke-like incidents and the radiotherapy. Headaches and numb feeling on the left body side sometimes. Hell yeah. Feeling alive, right, one way or the other.

    Typing this as tomorrow -- TOMORROW, friends!! -- the first major travel in my life AFTERWARDS begins. The travel for the next U2 pilgrimage after the heavenly gift of 360° two summers long, a lifetime ago, Now, half blind, fat from cortison and omg not myself anymore ... except for my fangirlish will to see U2 and a bachelor degree in bank robbery. They saved my life. They do it still, every day. So keep your fingers crossed I'll make it safe to Amsterdam tomorrow - and God help me, the moment the band enters the arena and I am there and alive to be WITH them, I know God is with me, and I will cry tears for the sake of being alive

    /being emotional

    a journey of 4 years since the first diagnosis comes to a happy high-point tomorrow for me. And all that because of our band -- and because of you, my friends, my family here. You carried me through. And you still do. I love you, guys walking on.

    Emiel, tomorrow night will be for you, too. Always with me

    Thank you, Kirsten! So many congratulations on your first major journey after - and what a journey! I am sure it will be awesome... As I tell my friends, I am not so religious, but I go to U2 concerts I hope to see you there, on my way now!
  10. How is your mother K ?
  11. Julien, somehow we missed each other in Amsterdam hoping to see you next summer U2ie2016

    Pato, my mother is doing better, thank you so much for asking it was the overload of work when I was away on my selfish pilgrimage as she had to do my job but better now, yes

    Stephen, Nicole, Sergio, Buttons, Olof, Dane, Tim, musicandbuzz, Paul.... thank you

    Pilgrimage has been a great one, I will never forget it. To quote from "A tale of Two Cities" from Charles Dickens: "
    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way (...)

    It sums it all up. I had the best of times emotionally - no words to explain why - but physically I was beyond my limits. And I knew it. Go ask some from here why I missed out on meetings or after-show periscopes more than once. I was down.

    Which leads me to an update, regarding this topic.

    Cushing has turned bad, blood pressure too high all the time, even when resting, not to speak of when I do my work, which is physically demanding.
    Headaches rarely. Dizzyness more and more lately, swaying walk, insecure steps, bumping into walls or people again and again. Short-time memory is hardly there anymore, forget everything within seconds. No chance of driving a car out there or my beloved horse-drawn carriage. This is nerve-wrecking, and my moods change many times a day. I hate it.
    Heart stumbling again recently, as well as occasionally numb hands and feet. Also due to the after-effects of the radiotherapy, the reflex for breathing fails now and then, during sleep but also during the day, which has lead me to moments of being scared to death, literally. Happened several times in Ireland the other week, I guess the more physical stress, the worse my body works.

    Long blabla. Fact is, annual round of major check-ups just ante portas.

    Explicit blood scans at the moment, some results have again turned not better. But okay. MRI of the brain on January 4th. Several doctor (all professors, as my fecking case is oh so important to them, wth) appointments right afterwards, to discuss MRI results. Blah again.- So tired of it all.

    Eye sight still ruined, but hey it is enough to find my way to certain shows and meet important friends (never wonder again why I look so dumb on the latest tour pictures)

    Bottom line: I am alive. And dreading the MRI, as things feel low. We will see. Right now, I have just been home to Eire and back again. Pilgrimage of my life 2.0
    No regrets
  12. I don't know you but good luck and God bless you x