1. Ok reloading when reorientating is fixed, will try to fix the other reported issues and upload a new apk
  2. Can I get it in the Google Play store?
  3. Not yet, its in very early stages. Its far from finished.

    When it is we will add it to the Google Play store
  4. Thanks for the quick fixes Chris, I'll let you know if I notice anything else.
    Bizzie, not yet mate, it's still beta. See the first post for a downloadable beta.
  5. Upped a newer APK, only fixes nothing new Landscape orientation is little better now
  6. Still crashes when I try to go to a topic.
  7. Hmm that sucks I guess you dont get any additional info when it crashes?
  8. working fine here. I'm posting this via the app.
  9. I'll jump on this as another tester when the Defy gets delivered.
  10. Works now with Android 4!
  11. Gonna try this now, new phone is got and all