1. Whatever's the cheapest but has the most songs, I'm not paying extra for glossy magazines and crap. It's an album not the J.Peterman catalogue.
  2. I guess it depends on 'is it worth it'? If it turns out like the Joshua Tree boxset, then that's what I'll go for - unless the standard CD is good enough.
  3. Originally posted by drewhiggins:I guess it depends on 'is it worth it'? If it turns out like the Joshua Tree boxset, then that's what I'll go for - unless the standard CD is good enough.

    I'm a sucker - boxset.
  4. All versions with most interest in the magazine format (whick I will no doubt probably keep sealed).
  5. The Box set, but I hope it will be a good thing!!
  6. Oh,I'm sad because in my country I will only find audio CD in the stores .
  7. I can't agree there. U2 material is made for enjoying, not for speculating

  8. Americanas or Submarino will probably sell the boxset one

  9. Ill be opening the box though which has all the same stuff in it.
  10. I went with the basic album CD, although should the time come and I have cash, I'll get the big old box thingy, whatever it may contain within