2010-09-22 - Brussels
Trasa: U2 360° Tour
Wykonane utwory: 25
Nagrania audio: 6
Filmy: 1

  1. I watched the brilliant www.U2bat.be - dvd's again tonight and relived september 22nd an 23rd 2010 all over again. It moved me to tears, I'm not ashamed to admit. What a band! What awesome, legendary shows. God, how I miss 360...

    (yes I know it's not really a post you are probably waiting for, but I just had to tell someone....) utter bliss.
    *puts dvd on repeat*
  2. i remember i downloaded that show! REALLY GOOD. (the IEM clicking got on my nerves though so I stick with Paris ) BUT AGREED, I MISS FOLLOWING U2 SETLISTS LOL
  4. 6 years ago. What a series of shows! Brilliant setlist, great crowd (they drowned Bono's speeches, so extra points for that!) and awesome performances in both concerts.
  5. I can't believe I don't have that dvd
    Don't know where to get it either, his site is down.
  6. The DVD of the second night is at "the other site, he-who-must-not-be-named"
  7. Originally posted by cesar_garza01:6 years ago. What a series of shows! Brilliant setlist, great crowd (they drowned Bono's speeches, so extra points for that!) and awesome performances in both concerts.
    thank you for the bump! I must watch these again! (and again).