1. Also, the series of "America First, [Insert Country Here] Second" video is great. People are probably more curious about traveling abroad now than ever before.

  2. Well, this has been a complete shit show, even worse that I could've predicted. And the spineless GOP keeps saying that "no investigation should proceed" and all the angry people at town-hall meetings are "paid protesters".
  3. Originally posted by cesar_garza01:Well, this has been a complete shit show, even worse that I could've predicted. And the spineless GOP keeps saying that "no investigation should proceed" and all the angry people at town-hall meetings are "paid protesters".
    Hold the phone they're paying people to protest? Where do I sign up? I could use the extra cash to help fund my excessive latte consumption, because apparently that's what millennials are doing these days.
  4. Originally posted by ahn1991:[..]
    Hold the phone they're paying people to protest? Where do I sign up? I could use the extra cash to help fund my excessive latte consumption, because apparently that's what millennials are doing these days.
    Yes, clearly the little girl that asked Chaffetz if he believed in science (he didn't answer) at a town-hall meeting was a paid agent infiltrated by George Soros, because clearly all these angry crowds at every city in the US must be "fake crowds".
  5. Damn, I wished somebody paid me to ask people if they believed in science. It's pretty much what I do on a daily basis anyways.
  6. After accounting for the annual adjustments to the population controls, the civilian labor force increased by 584,000 in January, and the labor force participation rate rose by 0.2 percentage point to 62.9 percent. Total employment, as measured by the household survey, was up by 457,000 over the month - Man what a horrible job he is doing. Everyone is suffering and getting jobs. There going to put a fence up so people we don't know don't get inside our house. These are horrible ideas. Next thing Trump will probably want us to have pride in America. This is crazy!
  7. Should we tell him Donald hasn't actually done anything for the economy yet and we're still operating under Obama's economic and trade policies? He hasn't dismantled the TPP, which would destroy our exports market, or implemented his tariff against Mexico, which would royally fuck American Agriculture.

    Oh yeah, and it seems the farmers who voted for Donald are now realizing his immigration policies would leave no seasonal workers to pick their fields. They're slow, but eventually they come around.
  8. Originally posted by amansman:After accounting for the annual adjustments to the population controls, the civilian labor force increased by 584,000 in January, and the labor force participation rate rose by 0.2 percentage point to 62.9 percent. Total employment, as measured by the household survey, was up by 457,000 over the month - Man what a horrible job he is doing. Everyone is suffering and getting jobs. There going to put a fence up so people we don't know don't get inside our house. These are horrible ideas. Next thing Trump will probably want us to have pride in America. This is crazy!
    So you're bragging about statistics for a month where Obama was still president, and you're saying that the policies he implemented helped to change the major debacle Bush Jr. left in 2008? Good for you.
    Lol, you think all Mexicans want to get inside your house? I recommend you to stop reading Breitbart and listening to Alex Jones.
  9. But sure, let's forget about the rampant corruption, lies, abuse of power, conflicts of interests, Russian intervention, violation of the Constitution and ethics, half-baked EO that are overthrown by the judicial system, blatant disregard of the other branches of government, incompetency...
    All that matters is that we'll have a big wall (paid by all of you) so all of those brown people I don't even know stay as far away as possible. While we're at it, let's cut health insurance for all the people that really need it.