1. I feel like the only decision makers on this issue should be women.
  2. Oh shit, here we go.
  3. There’s no point falling out about it, this is not a fun issue to discuss whatever side of the fence we fall on. Surely nobody takes pleasure on either side of the debate so don’t argue about it, if it’s too hard to debate which it is for me then it’s better saying nothing or voicing your opinion but not responding to others.
  4. Originally posted by deanallison:There’s no point falling out about it, this is not a fun issue to discuss whatever side of the fence we fall on. Surely nobody takes pleasure on either side of the debate so don’t argue about it, if it’s too hard to debate which it is for me then it’s better saying nothing or voicing your opinion but not responding to others.
    Yes yes and yes. Let’s all leave it at this. Well said dean. Hey we agree!!!!!!!!!
  5. Well of course that's the way they feel, I was asking why they feel that way.
    Honestly, I am trying to have a respectful discussion.
    Its a touchy issue, but one I feel very strongly about.
    I certainly wouldn't have brought it up if the band hadn't.

    If some of us want to applaud the band's stance, I think its fair game to criticize their stance also.

    I should have left it at that and not responded directly to another user.

    So...back to comparing US and Irish drinking ages then?
  6. Originally posted by pontneuf:[..]
    Well of course that's the way they feel, I was asking why they feel that way.
    Honestly, I am trying to have a respectful discussion.
    Its a touchy issue, but one I feel very strongly about.
    I certainly wouldn't have brought it up if the band hadn't.

    If some of us want to applaud the band's stance, I think its fair game to criticize their stance also.

    I should have left it at that and not responded directly to another user.

    So...back to comparing US and Irish drinking ages then?
    Gotcha. All good. Touchy subject. Back to drinking ages!!
  7. Glad it’s 21
  8. Let's close this touchy subject and wait for the next U2 Instagram post, shall we?

  9. This needs to be in this thread.

    More of these personal shots on the acount please!