1. Idiots, it’s a lot to do with the drink culture in Britain, or specifically drinking past your limits. It seems like it’s a mission when people go out to get completely drunk. Don’t get me wrong I’ve been there myself but when it gets to the point you’re on Twitter trashing a store you’d think that would be a good warning sign, yet the same idiots will probably be causing bother somewhere else after the next game as well, never learning there lesson.
  2. There really are some twats that support the national team.
  3. Yeah, that's embarrassing, there's always some, and every country has got them that's for sure.
  4. Im seeing Eminem on Sunday.

    World Cup final is on Sunday.

    On Wednesday night ill know if I have a dilemma.
  5. Oh no!

    Is there any chance they might show the match before the gig?
  6. They posted something on the website saying they'll show the game on screens in the bar areas. That wont do for me though, ill need the whole day to mentally prepare myself for the game haha. I've always wanted to see Eminem and I've always missed him when he came to the UK. Looks like ill have to wait to cross this one of my bucket list (assuming we beat Croatia of course).
  7. World cup final kicks off at 4pm uk time.
  8. if it's england there's no way any support acts will want to play to an empty stadium so they'll show it instead.
  9. Im hoping so. It kicks off at 4 so will finish at 730 very latest if it goes to pens etc and EM is expected on stage around 830 so it is all possible.