1. I'm so mad right now. In the middle of the pandemic, when the US is catching up with Italy's numbers, Trump wants to reopen all businesses, just so his numbers stop tanking. The Fox News pundits (the only thing he listens to) are saying that the millions of lives lost is an unfortunate necessity, just for a short term increase of the GDP. These people are willing to let millions die. They don't see that if they reopen the economy the whole health system collapses, millions die, and still the economy tanks.
  2. Originally posted by cesar_garza01:I'm so mad right now. In the middle of the pandemic, when the US is catching up with Italy's numbers, Trump wants to reopen all businesses, just so his numbers stop tanking. The Fox News pundits (the only thing he listens to) are saying that the millions of lives lost is an unfortunate necessity, just for a short term increase of the GDP. These people are willing to let millions die. They don't see that if they reopen the economy the whole health system collapses, millions die, and still the economy tanks.
    It's crazy.
  3. Originally posted by cesar_garza01:I'm so mad right now. In the middle of the pandemic, when the US is catching up with Italy's numbers, Trump wants to reopen all businesses, just so his numbers stop tanking. The Fox News pundits (the only thing he listens to) are saying that the millions of lives lost is an unfortunate necessity, just for a short term increase of the GDP. These people are willing to let millions die. They don't see that if they reopen the economy the whole health system collapses, millions die, and still the economy tanks.
  4. Originally posted by cesar_garza01:I'm so mad right now. In the middle of the pandemic, when the US is catching up with Italy's numbers, Trump wants to reopen all businesses, just so his numbers stop tanking. The Fox News pundits (the only thing he listens to) are saying that the millions of lives lost is an unfortunate necessity, just for a short term increase of the GDP. These people are willing to let millions die. They don't see that if they reopen the economy the whole health system collapses, millions die, and still the economy tanks.
    I just read it in the news, it's incredible. I hope the rest of the world leaders and organisations call him out, otherwise it will be a complete disaster.
  5. Politics aside in a crisis, he has done well the last two weeks. He has a fighting spirit which is badly needed.
  6. No, all that "spirits will overcome the disease" is just plain bullshit, just as it is with most diseases. Diseases are medical, not spiritual. Of course having a fighting spirit is good (as with most things in life), but plain ignoring scientific advice and evidence (no wonder why China is already lifting quarantine as of today, eh?) is just dumb and puts millions in risk. It's a disaster.
  7. Agree (are you in the US?) that a fighting spirit is needed. As long as he listens to the medical/mathematical experts in this field, who are heavily cooperating to solve the puzzle.

    What I see here is that political colour (or even personal traits) of leaders don't matter at the moment. It's the spread of the virus that dictates the measures. Holland appointed a new minister of health last week from an opposition party after the current one literally collapsed during a 10-hour debate, that man resigned the next day to give someone else a chance to continue the fight. Getting a minister from opposition would normally never happen but it was perfectly accepted, the rule book is now thrown aside..
  8. Does anybody on this forum have Coronavirus or know first hind of anybody who has Coronavirus? I don’t know of anyone and that’s why I’m asking.
  9. Originally posted by tampapete:Does anybody on this forum have Coronavirus or know first hind of anybody who has Coronavirus? I don’t know of anyone and that’s why I’m asking.
    My grandma and the rhythm guitarist of my band have both been in hospital for 10 days now. Thankfully both are out of the woods now. What do you want to know?
  10. Are they healing? I guess that is what “out of the woods” would indicate