1993-11-27 - Sydney
Tour: ZOO TV
Canzoni suonate: 23
Registrazioni audio: 1
  1. Where can we watch those IE shows?
  2. Originally posted by Ricku2:they are still available.. back then, those broadcasts were very hard to get.. there was no internet radio, no digital storage.. you could only tape the local broadcast.. luckily many of these great broadcasts and soundboards surfaced, so now you can go to u2start or u2t and download them or watch on youtube... very easy, probably too easy.
    After '93 we got a lot of broadcasts and leaked proshots on PopMart , Elevation had 2 dvd's, a webcast and Irving Plaza... Vertigo had London radio broadcast, 1,5 dvd's and a couple of tv broadcasts at the end... 360 had at least 3 radio broadcasts, Rose Bowl and Glastonbury... I&E 3 shows in Full HD... and Experience even a 4k release for the 'lucky ones'.
    So yeah, comparing to the 80's we have nothing to complain when it comes to available live shows. Maybe you can say it's all despite U2, but they tolerate a lot of what fans are doing with for example their taping and youtube policies. And now you are using that youtube policy against them.

    All that’s great and yes I was being unfair to suggest we don’t get a lot more now than fans in the 80’s. However, my point is back then there wasn’t a subscription fee. I think when we pay £30-£40 for something from a fanclub that’s how much worth of stuff we should receive in return. Not at cost price I know at retail price, that dvd we’re getting this year would be about £20 in a shop being generous because it’s limited edition with a bit of a different booklet to normal DVD’s. All they have to do is give us a show in mp3 to make up the other £10 or instead of 30 second live clips give us full songs maybe 1 a month or clean up stuff that’s been broadcast that’s not been released audio or video. They shouldn’t charge £30-£40 to subscribers and not give that back in return at retail price at least which still represents a profit for them. And I’ll emphasise again it doesn’t cost anything to them to offer pre sale so that can’t count towards it either. I’m not asking for everything at once but a little bit every so often, I think it’s fair for what subscribers pay. A dvd is not worth £30+ I want the dvd I won’t get it cheaper elsewhere so I will pay it but that’s not value for money. Going further than this they should be looking at what other bands do and if Radiohead can just freely put up loads of stuff for anyone to watch u2 should maybe try at least to meet that standard. It shouldn’t just be u2.com members benefiting. Clean up the buenos aires 2006 shows Stick it on the official u2 YouTube page, or Santiago 98, Stockholm 92.
  3. As much as I like you folks, I won't be getting up a 5am on a Sunday morning just to stream a show I've attended, watched and listened to.
  4. Originally posted by Sydney_MIke:As much as I like you folks, I won't be getting up a 5am on a Sunday morning just to stream a show I've attended, watched and listened to.
    Their not very kind too us Aussies who had this concert in our own backyard! Haha
  5. Thanks I'll have a look.
  6. Yeah so 3 recordings of 3 different Paris shows or have I got that wrong haha
  7. yes, 3 times Paris but at least it gives a bit of variation... Sweetest Thing, Ordinary Love, Electric Co and Out Of Control are not on the official dvd.. and there's Patti Smith on December 6th All in all it's 29 songs spread over 3 full HD recordings.. also it's 1 show which is pretty average/standard, one that's really great and the last one which is also quite special.
  8. I would have put out the 6th December show as DVD/Blu-Ray. Much more energy in that, it was the real "return" and it has got 27 songs (one of the longest shows ever)
  9. Originally posted by Ricku2:[..]
    yes, 3 times Paris but at least it gives a bit of variation... Sweetest Thing, Ordinary Love, Electric Co and Out Of Control are not on the official dvd.. and there's Patti Smith on December 6th All in all it's 29 songs spread over 3 full HD recordings.. also it's 1 show which is pretty average/standard, one that's really great and the last one which is also quite special.
    ah, just remembered again Electric Co and Sweetest Thing were cut out of the 'broadcast'.
  10. Electric co from 11/11/15 is a bonus track on the official release.