1. -maybe someone can delete this-
  2. Originally posted by hindutimes01:[..]
    as much as id love to give this a go......scrubbing counts,artifacts aligning it all properly and generally trying to make it sound as good as someone like yourself would get it....no easy task
    Basically, I can load multiple feeds into an existing mixing session, make some minor adjustments, and land on a pretty good listenable mix in 15 minutes. So no need for somebody to do a basic mix.

    But there are lots and lots of recordings available from the past ten to fifteen years if somebody is ready and able to fill a full complete mix, cleanup and all.
  3. I’m always willing to learn new things πŸ˜‰
  4. There's a whole bunch of feeds from Seoul available to practice on.
  5. And practice I shall 😊
  6. Trumpet IEM???
  7. Great, clear audio IEM from Johannesburg. Thanks a lot.
  8. Also great sound from Cape town. Double thanks a lot.
  9. Thank you very much !
    Great concert