1. Originally posted by JohnnyVOXX[image]

    hello everyone!! little late, but I wanted to share this pic with everyone.
    this is my most sincere opinion about Irak. I'm totally against Hussein and I think he deserved what he got, but was it worth generating a civil war??? no way!!

    I support the war, but even I have to laugh at that! Thanks for posting! I got my laugh for the day.
  2. That is one very funny message. Love it
  3. Humour rules
  4. Photobucket >> filtered in Iran! A description of the pic please? ... or some other server maybe
  5. My opinion: this war is stupid
  6. Originally posted by Ali709Photobucket >> filtered in Iran! A description of the pic please? ... or some other server maybe

    the picture is of a woman holding a sign in a protest, the sign says "bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity"
    sorry to hear about photobucket been filtered too...
  7. Iraqi war: I agree with Ali, something needed to be done with Saddam, but invading a country and trying to 'make it' democratic, at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives, is not acceptable. [ 69,045 - 75,495 !!]

    The U.S. needs to understand that it's not worth dying, especially when Iraq was no threat to them.

    As for Republican / Democratic, I'm a Democrat by far.
  8. Originally posted by JohnnyVOXX[..]

    the picture is of a woman holding a sign in a protest, the sign says "bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity"
    sorry to hear about photobucket been filtered too...

    Haha...well, she's got a point there

    thanks for the very nice description

  9. hello, gee i love politics, i actually got a letter from bushy junior when i was in the 3rd grade he hand wrote it...and then i did something with it when he reelected that i don't regret. I am a hard liberal democratic independent...last year i got chosen for this thing we have in the Us called the NYLC..national young leaders conference, basically because things have gotten so bad with the spread of dumbness that this organization sends teens that know every detail about that facts of the world's state to congress, the white house, and pentagon. the kids that go are not nerds, in the past it has mostly been teens in garage bands that hate the "man". LOL

    that was totally random and pointless story of my life but it's been a long day LMAO.
  10. Originally posted by paolom3hello, gee i love politics, i actually got a letter from bushy junior when i was in the 3rd grade he hand wrote it...and then i did something with it when he reelected that i don't regret. I am a hard liberal democratic independent...last year i got chosen for this thing we have in the Us called the NYLC..national young leaders conference, basically because things have gotten so bad with the spread of dumbness that this organization sends teens that know every detail about that facts of the world's state to congress, the white house, and pentagon. the kids that go are not nerds, in the past it has mostly been teens in garage bands that hate the "man". LOL

    that was totally random and pointless story of my life but it's been a long day LMAO.

    hahaha. "The Man" I always find it funny when people use that turn.
  11. I would just like to say to people that I AM SO IMPRESSED!!!!! I guess all U2 fans are united no matter what our beliefs. If this were any other forum there would be people arguing and cursin eachother out. Its awesome we can have a civilized convo about politics without arguing. When i saw the topic i was like "oh this is great i bet its already been closed" but to my surprise nothin but love. Awesome...im a christian and to me community is a great thing. Thanks guys. this is the best web site ive ever been affiliated with and I will be here for years to come
  12. Originally posted by thebonodrumsI would just like to say to people that I AM SO IMPRESSED!!!!! I guess all U2 fans are united no matter what our beliefs. If this were any other forum there would be people arguing and cursin eachother out. Its awesome we can have a civilized convo about politics without arguing. When i saw the topic i was like "oh this is great i bet its already been closed" but to my surprise nothin but love. Awesome...im a christian and to me community is a great thing. Thanks guys. this is the best web site ive ever been affiliated with and I will be here for years to come

    I have to agree with you. I'm a Christian also and I too think community is a great thing. I'm glad we're able to have a fun, interesting discussion without taking it too far.