2005-07-16 - Amsterdam, Netherlands - Amsterdam ArenA


Uwagi do wykonania: Miss Sarajevo makes its Vertigo Tour debut. It had previously only been played twice before. Last performance of the full electric version of Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses; all subsequent performances have been acoustic.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

utwory per album

  1. How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (8)
  2. The Joshua Tree (4)
  3. Achtung Baby (4)
  4. War (3)
  5. Boy (2)
  6. All That You Can't Leave Behind (2)
  7. Passengers (1)
  8. The Unforgettable Fire (1)

najlepsze wykonania piosenek

  1. Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses (10 głosy)
  2. Original Of The Species (6 głosy)
  3. Miss Sarajevo (4 głosy)
  4. Love And Peace Or Else (4 głosy)

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Uczestnicy koncertu: 136

112 użytkownicy z Netherlands:
3dw1n, Acrobad, B8rtm8n75, Backdraft, Bevoseal, BigGiRL, Bizzie, Coen, Duq, DutchU2Fan, Edwin_B, FromU22U, Gringo, Huts, JY1978, Janneman71, Janus02, JeroenAFCA, Kubel, Lunatick, MPDZU274, Maaaike, Maarten909, Malahide, Mdeboer, Michiel, Mikyboo65, Muad_zin, OneDayFly, Pasta, PatatoHead, Patricku2fan, PiM1975, Pipo, Remy, Ricku2, Scholekster, SeaOfRegrets, Soundwall, Stephan61, Steve93, TOBBY, TheChain67, TheUglyOne, TonyNL, TvO, U2015, U2Heerlen, U2forBoys, WithStyle, YvonneR, Zwervervriend, adjepatatje, backcorner, chiel76, cliff13, coldplayer, dannygalis, deejeeha, dissident, djdegreef, edbale1969, edbale69, edclabomu, emiel, enak12, erwinschot, ferrari, fv45pfap, geoffrey70, gill, gogme, harold28, il_famo, itisme, jaspervanr, jeroenpolman, ladyhawkmoon, lindave, lucas, marco1971, marcusje, martinvanderveen, mhooft, michelpas, mofoganda, one8ung, phofstee, pierrecas, renebeike, robbertvadv, rubenennoa, sleus, sloeberke, stevenu2, teaparty, thebelgian001, tk627, tonzerelli, u2akira, u2boy17, u2btalu2, u2joost, u2reiniertje, ver2go, wall, wgjvvenrooij, wizardvanos, wobbel, woninck, wtonis, zoorostar

8 z Germany:
Belgomofo, CElevate, Drunkchicken1, Laetzchen, VanHimmel, WilliamBlake4U2, ZOOTVTOURist, angelfish23

5 z Belgium: PatrickSilviaSanne, Thandor, Tommop, bolleken, nicocoppens
4 z United Kingdom: Acrobat1954, ArtVandelay, noitavele, vincey10
2 z France: bedoc, cyrille99
1 z Canada: verheij
1 z Ireland: BYRNESI
1 z Italy: valerio1975
1 z Afghanistan: ifiweregoing

recenzja cesar_garza01

9 lata temu


Good performance by the band, with minor mistakes in NYD (Bono tries to mask this saying that Edge changed the solo, but then he admits it was an accident).


Very good audience recording.
Nagranie: "Hours Of Fun" - 4 gwiazdki


They're Dutch, so they're amazing, singing loudly in all songs. You can hear a lot of chatting in the middle of some songs (like Miss Sarajevo), and it gets pretty annoying soon.


Dutch bootlegs are always great, and this is no exception. The setlist is great; in the European leg it usually was pretty rigid.
-- WGRYWH. This is the star of the night. Full band version, simply the best outside ZooTV.
-- The political trio LPOE-SBS-BTSS. The London bombings were still very recent and the songs sounded more relevant than ever.
-- 2nd performance ever of Miss Sarajevo (dedicated to Theo Van Gogh) and first time with Bono singing the Pavarotti part. I've heard better versions, but it was a nice surprise for the audience and they responded well.
-- One with Unchained Melody (and we can hear a guy singing it out of tune), like in the good old times.
-- Original Of The Species. Always glad to see it in the setlist.
-- The fact that they closed with 40 and not with an encore of Vertigo. Don't get me wrong, I like that song, and usually the encore was way better, but it's a waste to play it 2 times in the same show.

recenzje uczestników koncertu

Pokaż ogółem  
hkle77 Czytaj dalej

wszystkie recenzje

Pokaż ogółem  
virlio Czytaj dalej
wowow Czytaj dalej
hkle77 Czytaj dalej
patou2 Czytaj dalej
cesar_garza01 Czytaj dalej

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  • Dostępne nagrania: 3
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"2-Source Matrix Mix"

  • Pochodzenie: Audience microphone
  • Autorzy: one8ung (Matrix Creator)
  • Sprzęt: Adobe Audition (Sound Editor), Wavelab (Sound Editor)
  • Rodowód: Source One: Wilatw (OKMIIR -> A3 -> M1) Source Two: Maarten909 (Sennheiser Mke40 -> Sony Mz-r900)
  • Pobrania: 207
Zobacz plik info

Audio / FLAC

Bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, kanały: 2
Pobierz przez Mega.nz

"Hours Of Fun"

  • Pochodzenie: Audience microphone
  • Autorzy: Wilatw (Audio Taper)
  • Sprzęt: CoolEdit 2000 (Sound Editor), Sony PCM-M1 (Audio recording device), OKM-IIr (Microphone), Terratec DMX (Audio recording device), Wavelab (Sound Editor), A3 (Power supply), CDWave (Sound Editor)
  • Rodowód: OKMIIR > A3 > M1 > Sony 7-pin > Terratec DMX 6fire 2496 > Wavelab > Wave > Cool Edit (normalizing to 98%) > CDWave(tracking)
  • Ocena na bazie wszystkich opinii:
  • Pobrania: 1326

Audio / MP3

Bit rate: 192, bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, kanały: 2
Pobierz przez Mega.co.nz

"Kiss and Tell (3-source matrix)"

  • Pochodzenie: Audience microphone
  • Autorzy: Maarten909 (Audio Taper), BigGiRL (Matrix Creator), Stephan (Audio Taper), Gerj@n (Audio Taper)
  • Sprzęt: Pristine Sounds (Sound Editor)
  • Rodowód: MATRIX MIX: [PristineSounds] source 1+2 mixed + bass track from 3 (16-160Hz) > [2015] EQ + edit & track split > [Frontend] FLAC (6) > fre:ac > mp3@256k
  • Pobrania: 68
Zobacz plik info

Audio / MP3

Bit rate: 256, bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, kanały: 2
Pobierz przez Mega.co.nz

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zdjęcia według ONE8UNG (18)

Obejrzyj całość | dodane: 3 lata temu | prawa autorskie: Creative Commons
  1. U2 in Amsterdam
  2. U2 in Amsterdam
  3. U2 in Amsterdam

zdjęcia według Tim D. (13)

Obejrzyj całość | dodane: 9 lata temu | prawa autorskie: Creative Commons
  1. U2 Live in Amsterdam 16 July 2005
  2. U2 Live in Amsterdam 16 July 2005
  3. U2 Live in Amsterdam 16 July 2005

zdjęcia według unknown (4)

Obejrzyj całość | dodane: 14 lata temu | Zrobiono aparatem: C765UZ
  1. Bono during Sometimes You..
  2. Vertigo stage in Amsterdam
  3. Crowd in Amsterdam