2019-11-12 - Brisbane, Australia - Suncorp Stadium


Banda de abertura: Noel Gallagher and the High Flying Birds
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

músicas por álbum

  1. The Joshua Tree (11)
  2. Achtung Baby (3)
  3. War (2)
  4. The Unforgettable Fire (2)
  5. All That You Can't Leave Behind (2)
  6. Rattle and Hum (1)
  7. How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (1)
  8. Songs Of Innocence (1)
  9. Songs Of Experience (1)

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pessoas que estiveram nesse show: 56

20 usuários de Australia:
360fly, Alexbeccu57, BonOzz, EthanD, Jono99, Maquaman, MrsEdge, ONZOOSTATION, Scott_McD, Stu, courtnp, ddarroch, dylbagz, kabigon, litzsurfer, mofothethird, pajames2, richard_moors, robsee, runningtostandstill

6 de United Kingdom:
KeithGero, Mint, SJKamal, Turkued, jerseyjen, keef154

5 de Netherlands: JoeHar, Remy, aapadam, murutani, one8ung
2 de New York: Barry8, phil_lebo
2 de Ireland: kevinu267, micdalton
2 de France: GIO06, Reddef
2 de Germany: Eichhas, u2makesbono
1 de Texas: TDarby719
1 de Michigan: jpoe
1 de Idaho: BradF
1 de Brazil: fabianomad
1 de Vermont: danalhf
1 de New Zealand: italianplastic
1 de California: mauriceh01
1 de Maryland: mdmomof7
1 de Arizona: malamute
1 de Indonesia: je4nte3
1 de Missouri: ahilmer
1 de Kentucky: bob19147
1 de Utah: dianajamison
1 de Oklahoma: mrpoptop
1 de Canada: sholbech22

revisão por GayThePrayAway

3 anos atrás


Great to see the band back in Aus for the first time in nearly 9 years and they didn't disappoint. Bullet imo the standout song from the gig (Edge's guitar was immense).

Absolutely wowed by the screen - the moment it lit up in red for Streets made me go "holy s**t!"

Absolutely delighted by the appearance of Even Better Than The Real Thing.

Really the only complaint was the reverb was a bit OTT (but that's not the band's fault at all)


Pretty good recording but the drums sound a bit ahead of the rest of the band during the b-stage performances - probably due to the proximity of Larry to the mic compared to the rest of the band
Gravação: Audience microphone - 3.5 estrelas


Pretty solid but obviously considering the majority of fans are now in their 50's it was a bit more toned down than if this gig was held say 20-30 years ago.

The woah-oooooh-oh's during Pride was a highlight


Great show and honestly couldn't get much better for their first visit back in nearly a decade. Let's hope they return here before 2028!

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  • Gravações disponíveis: 1
  • Downloads do show: 327


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Audience microphone

  • Origens: Audience microphone
  • Créditos: one8ung (Audio Taper)
  • Linhagem: Lineage: CA-11(o) -> A3 -> Tascam DR-2d (24/44.1) => Adobe Audition CC => CD Wave Editor => TLH (flac level 8) => MP3TAG
  • Qualidade baseada nas resenhas:
  • Downloads: 327
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áudio / FLAC

Bit depth: 24, nota da amostra: 44100, canais: 2
Download via Mega.nz
Exemplos de áudio

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Fotos por JD Davidson (47)

Veja o set completo | adicionado: 4 anos atrás | direitos de autor: Creative Commons
  1. U2 Brisbane
  2. U2 Brisbane
  3. U2 Brisbane

Fotos por Phillip Lebowitz (21)

Veja o set completo | adicionado: 4 anos atrás | direitos de autor: Creative Commons
  1. U2 Brisbane
  2. U2 Brisbane
  3. U2 Brisbane

Fotos por Bianca Holderness (5)

Veja o set completo | adicionado: 4 anos atrás
  1. U2 in Brisbane
  2. U2 in Brisbane
  3. U2 in Brisbane

Fotos por Dara Munnis (1)

Veja o set completo | adicionado: 4 anos atrás | Fotografado com a câmera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III
  1. Australian flag in Brisbane

Fotos por Marc Grimwade (1)

Veja o set completo | adicionado: 4 anos atrás | Fotografado com a câmera: NIKON D850
  1. Bono and Edge in Brisbane

Fotos por unknown (1)

Veja o set completo | adicionado: 4 anos atrás
  1. U2 in Brisbane