1987-10-07 - Buffalo, New York - Civic Auditorium


Note dell'esibizione: Last time U2 cover Springhill Mining Disaster.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

canzoni per album

  1. The Joshua Tree (8)
  2. The Unforgettable Fire (4)
  3. War (3)
  4. Boy (1)
  5. October (1)

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partecipanti al concerto: 6

2 utenti da Georgia: dscrapj, pjp2017
1 da New York: tsnafus
1 da Canada: thecancanman
1 da Connecticut: numda01
1 da Spain: drgb1971

recensito da carbide

2 anni fa


The band are standard, Bono is having a terrible night. I'm assuming this is because of allergies or something, but he does not sound good tonight at all. Straining on every note, airing out on every bit of falsetto, going into his "kermit" voice and adding distortion to his already strained voice to the point where it doesn't sound like Bono at all. Sunday Bloody Sunday, although cut, is one of the worst versions I've ever heard, as it's one of the worst offenders here. Bono even sounds terrible on the verses of Help, which I didn't even think could be possible. The one upside I can think of to this show is the decent performance of Springhill Mining Disaster, which also happens to be the last version.


Passable, slightly muddy but definitely listenable for me.
Registrazione: Audience microphone - 3 stelle


Pretty standard, the usual. They joined in sometimes though, which was a nice treat.

Commento generale

This is one of their worst shows no doubt. Pretty much every song is awful, the band do nothing special and Bono is well... awful. This is probably the worst U2 show I've ever heard, only behind Tempe.

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Audience microphone

  • Provenienza: Audience microphone
  • Qualità basata sulle recensioni:
  • Downloads: 415

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