1992-05-09 - Gent, Belgium - Flanders Expo Hall


Auftrittbemerkungen : At the end of One, Bono sings a rough and improvised version of the Hear Us Coming verse.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

Songs nach Album

  1. Achtung Baby (10)
  2. The Joshua Tree (5)
  3. Rattle and Hum (2)
  4. The Unforgettable Fire (2)

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Konzertbesucher: 46

34 Benutzer aus Belgium:
GJD179, KTM3, PatrickSilviaSanne, Poekie, Remy73, Schouf, Tommop, be69026, bolleken, cocobello, dayka, ditch691125, dlambot, fabrice1888, geoff1805, igreg, ivanbono2005, kickthedarkness, koning_albert, krisu2, mirrortof, naibaf, naja, nicocoppens, patske, pinksten, rscl, singlemaltwhisky, stevie, tourvertigo, v7nce, vanvelthoven, yauckt, zootourist

11 aus Netherlands:
Edwin_B, FromU22U, Gringo, Maarten909, Stephan61, U2123, edbale1969, edbale69, mofoganda, ver2go, zoohollander

1 aus Germany: Papo

bewertung von DanielLikeAlbum

vor 2 Jahren


A fantastic performance from the early stages of the European leg of the Zoo TV tour with this being the second performance on the entire leg and, the band are putting in a great performance from start to finish and feed off well from the enthusiastic audience who they are playing to. Even with a few minor mistakes on songs such as Bad they don't affect the performance that much as there are plenty of positives when compared to negatives during this performance so they can be easily dismissed due to the band being in mostly strong form tonight.


Fantastic recording with a brilliant balance of sound between the band and the audience which, presents an enjoyable way to experience a great show on the European leg of the tour.
Aufnahme: Audience microphone - 4 Sterne


Brilliant crowd tonight who shine throughout the whole performance for me and make the show even more entertaining to listen to due to how they are reacting which also affects the band's side in a positive way as well so amazing crowd tonight.


For the second show on the European leg of the tour, this show is an amazing one and personally shouldn't be missed in the slightest due to being a phenomenal performance from the band from start to finish with great renditions of songs performed tonight and a fantastic audience who make the show even more entertaining to listen to in my opinion so, don't go missing this show in the slightest as this is honestly a highlight for the Zoo TV tour here.
Highlights included:
Zoo Station
The Fly
Even Better Than The Real Thing
Mysterious Ways / Love To Love You Baby
Until The End Of The World
Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses
Girls Just Want To Have Fun / Angel Of Harlem
Bad / All I Want Is You
Bullet The Blue Sky
Ultra Violet (Light My Way)
With Or Without You / Shine Like Stars
Love Is Blindness

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