1992-05-25 - Munich, Germany - Olympiahalle


Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

utwory per album

  1. Achtung Baby (10)
  2. The Joshua Tree (5)
  3. Rattle and Hum (2)
  4. The Unforgettable Fire (2)

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Uczestnicy koncertu: 11

United Kingdom
8 użytkownicy z Germany:
Oskar0025, WonoSox, ZOOTVTOURist, flo1968, held_der_arbeit, nolo68, u2geier, woiferl

1 z United Arab Emirates: iambic
1 z Austria: U2tapecollector
1 z United Kingdom: punX

recenzja 2UToo

2 miesiące temu


Bono's voice is quite raspy in a good way at this show, I simply LOVE how gritty he sounds, even on those early 'Achtung Baby' songs. The first real highlight is a very powerful and clean version of 'Mysterious Ways'. The show continues superbly from there onwards with other terrific performances including 'One' (including a really gorgeous 'Can't Help Falling in Love' outro where the audience sing along). I love how Bono transitions from the 'All I Want Is You' snippet at the end of 'Bad' into 'Bullet the Blue Sky' which is a blistering rendition as well, featuring an incredible guitar solo by The Edge. The last song of the main set sounds incredible in every way - vocals, drums, licks, the audience screaming the song with Bono... As usually on the tour, the encore is simply insane and concludes the show with four more epic performances of new and old songs. Bono's voice cracks badly during 'Desire'.

A few other notable moments were Bono switching the lyrics to "me" in the first chorus of 'Until the End of the World' and some very slight sloppiness before that if my ears didn't trick me and Bono not being able to open his bottle of Beer which he chose over Champagne and commenting on the recent Reunification of Germany.


The sound quality of the recording I'm using is absolutely perfect and sounds very close to an official release of the show with boosted audience. What a way to listen to a show!
Nagranie: Audience microphone - 3 gwiazdki


Really enthusiastic bunch of people who are constantly cheering loudly in between songs and singing along very loudly and passionately during some songs, including 'One' and pretty much all older songs (including 'Rattle and Hum'!)


Both this website and U2gigs.com are missing the 'Dancing Queen' snippet after 'Angel of Harlem'.

Highlights: Mysterious Ways, One / Can't Help Falling in Love, Angel of Harlem / Dancing Queen, Bullet the Blue Sky, I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For

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patou2 Czytaj dalej
2UToo Czytaj dalej

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  • Pochodzenie: Audience microphone
  • Sprzęt: Exact Audio Copy EAC (Sound Editor)
  • Rodowód: UDG > EAC > Monkey´s Audio 3.99 > MP3
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